M’sian Lady’s Friends Jokingly Prints 1.2m Long Boarding Pass To Troll Her; Even Air Steward Laughs

You know you have close friends when everyone does silly things to each other.

Stealing fries, taking a half-cup ‘sip’ and perfectly replicating their homework only to get punished by teachers.

Of course, the occasional prank pulling as well.

Younger me will never forget the pain of freaking out over losing my homework, only to realise a friend ‘stole’ it and handed it to the teacher.

Image: Giphy

But that’s small-time compared to the bigger prank in this article.

Super-Size It

I mean bigger in the most physically literal sense.

According to MSNews, Ms Geraldine Loh and Ms Stephy Teo were due to go on a holiday together.

However, when Ms Teo asked for their boarding pass, the former handed her one that reflected on the size of my drink size at fast food outlets.

Extra large.

Ms Loh tried to play it off, not responding even when Ms Teo playfully smacked her upon realising what had transpired.

A few quick exchanges of words prompts the ‘victim’ to open up the huge boarding pass in horror that, mind you, is A0-sized.

That’s four times the size of A4 paper, dear reader.

Ms Teo eventually realised that there was no way out of this and nervously made her way to the airport officer.

Image: Facebook (Geraldine Loh)

The officer actually looks amused as he tries to open the pass.

Eventually, he too gives up and asks for a regular sized one that Ms Loh promptly produces.

I’m 100% stealing this idea. Not sure about lugging an A0 pass beforehand, though.

The video above that was uploaded on 7 November went super viral.

It garnered over 22000 reactions, 10000 comments, 34000 shares and 1.6 million views.

Image: quickmeme.com

It Did Not End There

The joke resurfaced again upon boarding their flight.

Ms Loh once again hauled out the giant pass to show the air stewardess, eliciting an even bigger reaction than the officer.

After a briefly amusing exchange, the stewardess promptly unfolds it and asks for a picture to be taken.

Image: Facebook (Geraldine Loh)

She even mock-checks the boarding to pass to make sure it was for the correct flight.

What a sport.

In a separate Facebook post, Ms Loh said that she wanted to get back at her friend after being ‘bullied’ by her for so long.

And boy did she even get famous for it.

Image: Quick Meme

Glad that Ms Teo didn’t seem to take it to hard on her friend, though Ms Loh should watch for any future pranks too from her victim in the future.

Harmless jokes like these are fine, everyone gets a laugh and goes home happy. Just remember not to take pranks too far!