Mum With Cancer Cooked Last Meal for Son Before Passing On

Last Updated on 2023-03-20 , 6:47 pm

One of the hardest truths that any child has to realise and accept is that their parents will inevitably grow old.

For one man from Dalian City, China, he had to witness his mother becoming more and more fragile as she battled cancer.

Although she was weak from her chemotherapy treatment and the cancer, she still decided to cook one final meal for her son before passing on.

In remembrance of his mother, Douyin user Deng Caihou posted a short video of his mother preparing the meal in the kitchen.

It was titled, “Mom, go well (rest in peace), nothing can beat me down anymore”.

In the background, the beginning chords of “All Mothers Underneath The Heavens Are The Same” (天下的妈妈都是一样的), a song that extolls on the unconditional and endless love that a mother gives, is played.

The video has since garnered over 844,000 likes, and the comment section is filled with crying emotes.

Mother Cooking Last Meal For Her Son Before Passing

According to MS News, the original poster’s mother had been diagnosed with cancer in February.

For the next half a year leading up to October, she had been undergoing chemotherapy treatment.

Mr Deng asserted that his mother was a strong woman, who never complained during the treatment, and would always put on a resilient front.

A few days after she went for her third round of chemotherapy, she suddenly asked Mr Deng what he would like to eat, and they went to buy the ingredients for the meal.

Despite her frail state, she painstakingly prepared the meal, bald-headed and in her pyjamas, as seen in the short clip that Mr Deng took.


As he watched her prepare the meal, he could not stop his tears from flowing.

Mr Deng added that even though the meal prep exhausted her greatly, the food she made tasted the same as always.

(Truly, there is nothing that tastes better or more comforting than homemade food.)

Mr Deng finished the whole meal.                                           

It was the last meal she ever made for him as well.

If there is any message that this short video can impart, it is to treasure your loved ones while they are still with you. Love them and cherish them, because you never know when it will be the last.