Nas Daily Wants To Meet Up With S’poreans & Make Videos on 20 Apr 2019, & It’s Free

Are you a big fan of Nas Daily?

Image: Imgflip

No, not that fan. I meant the loud kind.


Gawddammit Patrick just answer the question!


You know what; screw the introduction. For those folks out there who aren’t keen on making my blood boil early in the morning, here’re some good news, especially if you’re a big… ADMIRER of the charismatic vlogger.

Image: Wikipedia


Nas Daily Wants To Meet Up With S’poreans & Make Videos on 20 Apr 2019

As you might’ve already known, Nas Daily’s ditching his country-wise bachelor life in favour of settling down, in none other than yours truly’s island…


And it seems that the vlogger isn’t content with a simple walk-in entry pass either, as he has proclaimed to wish to arrive in the country with a “bang”. How so, you wonder. Well, it’s none other than…

Holding a free event where people can meet him and make a video together!

Image: The Nas Daily Meetup!/Facebook

The session, termed The Nas Daily Meetup!, will be conducted on 20 April. This info is in accordance with his own announcement on Facebook, which is visibly only to residents in Singapore.

“For the past 1,000 days, we had no place to call home. And after looking at the world map for days and weeks at a time, we’ve concluded that the best place to call home is in Singapore. We just really like the region and the warmth of its people,” said Nas Daily, whose real name’s actually Nuseir Yassin.

Image: The Nas Daily Meetup!/Facebook

“We fell in love with the good and the bad – so we’re packing our bags and coming soon,” he added.

“But this time, we wanna arrive with a bang. We wanna throw a big event on a long weekend for everyone. It’s a great way to meet up in person, make a video together(!!), talk to you a bit about Nas Daily, talk a bit about you, and showcase other talent in the region.”

Yassin also emphasised that the event requires zero entrance fees.

“I don’t want your money. It’s a free event. We’ll do our best to make it fun for you – I promise. You just have to show up.”

Oh, wells. Pretty lit when you consider the fact that you need to pay $10 to meet XiaoBeach73 in the Goody Feed office!

Reception’s arguably positive

Following Nas Daily’s ‘shocking’ announcement, Netizens turned up in droves to leave their thoughts behind. And as one might’ve surmised, considering all the hoo-hah revolving around the ‘almost perfect country’, comments left kinda leaned towards the positive side, though there were some that might come through as a tad bit ‘sarcastic’.

The positive side:

Image: Nas Daily Facebook Page
Image: Nas Daily Facebook Page

The ‘positive’ side:

Image: The Nas Daily Meetup!/Facebook

But to be fair, seemingly genuine comments did resonate throughout the comments section, and Nas acknowledged the notion with open arms with an additional paragraph on his post:.

“P.S – I am so humbled by the tens of thousands of positive messages and generous offers. I did NOT expect that. You rock!”

And so… what’re you waiting for?

If you consider yourself a big fan of Nas Daily’s works, or wish to make videos with an established video creator, this is your opportunity.

Date: 20 April 2019
Time: 16:00 – 18:00
Venue: To be affirmed at a later date

So head on down if you’re free, and believe me…

That’s probably ‘one minute’ you’ll not regret. 😉

Image: Nas Daily

Note: You can stay updated about the event here.