NDP Responds to Claims That Fireworks Residues Leave Stains on Audience’s Clothes & Skin

The fireworks segment of the annual National Day Parade is always a highlight that many people look forward to.

Many people flock to the open spaces around the Marina Bay area to catch a glimpse of the fireworks in person.

Unfortunately, for some of those who attended the National Day Parade pre-shows, the fireworks left more than just a mark on them.

Several parade-goers reported having stains on their clothes and bodies after the fireworks segment.

Here is what happened.

Fireworks From the National Day Parade Rehearsals Left Stains on Attendees

About a week ago, a National Day Parade pre-show attendee took to TikTok to showcase some stains she had after the fireworks segment.

She posted a short 7-second video showcasing various stains on people’s clothes and bodies. The stains appeared to be small dark-coloured dots.

@tracedtogether Got a rude shock when we noticed the fireworks stains on our clothes and bodies. @NDPeeps, perhaps it’ll be nice to include an advisory somewhere MORE PROMINENT – like have an emcee announce during pre-show or ushers to inform audience when sitting us down. Posters (if they are there) along the stairs might not easily capture attention for people are more focused on making their way up safely. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the #NDPpreview yesterday. 🇸🇬🥳 #ndpeeps #sgtiktok #sgfyp #singapore #ndp #fireworks #sg58 #majulahsingapura #padang #nationaldayparade ♬ Shine Your Light – NDPeeps

According to the OP with the moniker @tracedtogether, she got a “rude shock” after noticing the fireworks stains on “clothes and bodies”.

Image: TikTok (@tracedtogether)
Image: TikTok (@tracedtogether)

Her video also included the caption to “include bleach in [the] NDP funpack” to help people deal with the problem.

While she said she “enjoyed” the NDP preview, she called for more proactive disclosures about the stains.

These included “prominent” advisories warning people about the potential fireworks stains via emcee announcements, ushers at the show or posters along the stairs.

Stains Are Harmless and Removable

It appears that the OP’s wish was granted.

An advisory for the 2023 National Day celebrations included “possible staining from firework residue” as something that show attendees should look out for.

This was alongside “loud noise” and “strobe lights”, which people should prepare themselves for.

According to the advisory, the stains are “generally not harmful”, and stains on the skin “will gradually disappear after 2-3 days”.

However, the stains on clothes may not be that easy to remove.

According to MS News, who spoke to the OP, it was her first time encountering firework stains, and she had to use bleach to remove them from her white clothes.

The stains were odourless and black but turned yellowish brown upon being wiped.

For the stains on the skin, wet wipes had no effect on removing the stains.