Neighbours Call Police After Smelling ‘Rotting Corpse’; Finds Out It Was Rotting Fish

A “tell-tale sign” may not always be accurate and things may not always be as “fishy” as they seem.

Just like this fishy story.

A Fishy Tale

For a resident of the Khlong Suan District in Thailand, what appeared to be something “fishy” really was just rotting fish.

The resident thought that there was something fishy going on when a foul, rotting smell grew stronger and stronger until it became completely unbearable.

The smell became so strong that the Thai speculated that there was a rotting corpse in the neighbour’s house.

The unnamed Khlong Suan resident was so perturbed by the smell that he called the police, informing the cops that a terrible smell was coming from the third floor.

The arrival of the police leads to a crowd of curious residents forming around the door of the apartment. Many were wearing face masks because of the unbearable smell.

Image: Facebook (บิ๊กเกรียน อินดี้)

Eventually, the police managed to break open the door of the apartment with a crowbar.

An onlooker mentioned that they had seen the owner of the apartment leave a few days before, which only added to the suspicion.

Could he have died in the house? Could he have killed someone and left the corpse there? Could BuffLord95 be there and farted for ten hours?

Image: Facebook (บิ๊กเกรียน อินดี้)

Utter Relief

Upon thorough investigation, the Thai police found that the source of the terrible smell was none other than rotting tilapia. The fish was left out in the sink.

It looked like the owner left the fish out in preparation for cooking, but had been interrupted and abruptly left the house without keeping the fish in the refrigerator.

Image: Facebook (บิ๊กเกรียน อินดี้)

One act of carelessness had worried the entire neighbourhood and left the entire apartment block stinking of rotting fish.

However, the general sentiment in the Khlong Suan district was that of utter relief that the source of the foul smell was indeed nothing but the smell of rotting fish.

Lessons We Can Learn; Better Safe Than Sorry

The Khlong Suan resident was correct in erring on the side of safety in reporting a suspicious event.

Sure, it turned out to be nothing but fish. But this was indeed a happy ending.

There could have been a killer on the loose that would have endangered the safety of all of the residents of Khlong Suan.

Neighbourly Spirit

The residents of Khlong Suan came together in a “gotong royong” or “kampung” spirit to provide whatever help they could, even in a highly-suspect situation.

As the saying goes, “No man is an island”, hence a helping hand, whether in a pleasant or not-so-pleasant situation can ease the burden and make any situation a little more bearable.

After all, “many hands make light work.”