New Emojis Coming & They Finally Include a Yawning Emoji


Emoticons have come a long way.

In the past, we had to manually type them all out.




Or, if you’re a weeaboo cultured man: ≧ω≦

In fact, the older folks are still typing them out. I know because my boss has texted us with 🙂 before.

Of course, with the introduction of smartphones such as the iPhone and Android came the popularity of emojis, evolved coloured ideogram versions of its predecessors.

Nowadays, there’s an emoji for almost anything on your phones. You could show your disgust 🤮, act cute with a see-no-evil monkey 🙈, decorate your caption when you Instagram your food 🍣, or tell people to shut up 🤫.

Well, almost.

There’re still plenty of things it lacks, making you go “How the hell do they not have an emoji for it yet?” when you’re searching through the Emoji keyboard.

The Emoji pool can be pretty weird.

For example, they have an emoji for customs 🛃 but not an emoji for flamingos.

Well, they’re constantly improving and expanding it.

124 New Emojis Announced

On the usual World Emoji Day (17 July), Apple and Google announced that they will be releasing 124 new emojis over the next few months.

59 new emojis will be coming in the next Apple software update in September or October, while Google will have 65 new ones after the release of the new Android Q at the end of September.


In an attempt for inclusiveness, the new emojis will include gender-ambiguous and skin tone variations.

They also will also include a guide dog, hearing aids, a man with a walking cane, as well as a prosthetic arm.

Long-Awaited Yawn Emoji

People have longed for this for a long time, and you’ve always wanted it too, even if you didn’t know you did.


What do I send if my friend is boring me with some story? Or I’m feeling sleepy and want to send a nice emoji along with my “goodnight”?

Image: Forbes

You probably saw it flash in our GIF above, but here’s a clear still image for you.

Since the only person I’d say goodnight to is my girlfriend and we use stickers over emojis, you can bet I only have one use for this.

Friend: Eh, you know the other day right, I went to the supermarket, and then-

Me: *Yawn Emoji*

Classmate: Have you done your part for the report yet? Your section requires you to read up on the quantum mechanics of-


Me: *Yawn Emoji*

Yeah, I’m not a very good friend or project mate.

But I truly can’t wait for the new emoji update.

Can you?