Ventilation System Collapsed in NEX Cinema Showing Tenet, Injuring Some People

In case you didn’t know, cinemas nowadays have such strict social-distancing rules that every hall looks like Gold Class seats:


Which is unfortunate, but in this case, it might have saved some lives.

Ventilation System Collapsed in NEX Cinema Showing Tenet, Injuring Some People

Viral images of what looks to be an air-duct on the seats of a cinema hall in NEX have been making the rounds.

Image: Facebook (SG Dirty Fella)

It appears that even with the incident, the movie is still playing.

Image: Facebook (SG Dirty Fella)

According to MustShareNews, the hall was screening Tenet, and it happened around 5pm today (30 August 2020).

Various images also show SCDF officers attending to an injured lady…

Image: Facebook (SG Dirty Fella)

…and one who looks more serious.

Image: Facebook (SG Dirty Fella)

According to eyewitnesses who spoke to MustShareNews, the ventilation pipe had crashed through the ceiling, and pieces of the ceiling had hit a moviegoer, too.

NEX has said,  “NEX is aware of the situation involving a ceiling collapse in one of the cinema hall at Shaw Theatres within the mall. The authorities have been notified and we are currently working closely with our tenant Shaw Theatres to support ongoing investigations as well as the parties involved.”

How Often Does Air Duct Collapse?

It, of course, isn’t common in Singapore.

In fact, it’s not common in other countries too, and it usually only happens during an earthquake.

Last year, an air conditioning duct collapsed from the ceiling in a resort in the UK, injuring 18 people. No one was reportedly seriously injured, but an investigation was initiated that took months to complete.

The reason for the collapse was that the “heating and air con duct which had been boxed in and attached to the wall gave way”, and the ceiling hadn’t collapsed.

With this incident in Nex, you can bet it’d be investigated even more thoroughly.