NTUC FairPrice Slashes Prices of Over 50 Housebrand Products By Up to 30%

How would you normally react if you heard the word “slash”?

Chances are you might recoil in fear, break out in cold sweat, or simply hum a tune to drown out the image in your head right?

Because “slashing” is normally associated with violence and, Wolverine, no?

Image: Giphy

Yesterday however, the Singapore population and in particular, the Merdeka Generation, heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing the word “slash”.

That’s because:

  1. “FairPrice cuts prices of more than 50 housebrand products; discount for Merdeka Generation shoppers” said CNA
  2. “Prices of NTUC FairPrice house brands cut and to remain the same for 15 months” said TodayOnline
  3. “FairPrice freezes prices of 100 house brand items till mid-2020” said ST
  4. “NTUC FairPrice Slashes Prices of Over 50 Housebrand Products” said Goody Feed

Okay, no “slashes” were used, but “cut” and “freeze” were, you get my point.

And also, normally after slashing someone or something, a freezer is needed.

100 House Brand with 50 Prices Slashed

According to TodayOnline: “NTUC FairPrice has slashed the prices of 50 essential items under its house brands by up to 30 per cent, as part of moves to help customers cope with the cost of living.”

Image: FairPrice

“The prices of these items, as well as 50 others under its house brands FairPrice, FairPrice Gold, Pasar and Home Proud, will also be held steady from Monday (March 18) until June 30 next year”, it adds.

According to CNA, these means that the 100 items under its house brands translate to being about “20 per cent cheaper than other comparable leading brands.”

In addition, these 100 items “have been selected to represent popular daily essentials purchased by the average Singapore household” and “include rice, cooking oil, poultry, toiletries and household cleaning items” according to ST.

This vow means that regardless of inflation, the pricing of these 100 items will stay the same for the next 15 months.

That’s rather significant I would say.

To my editors: P.S, I would also appreciate a 20% pay raise too, even if it’s just for the next 15 months.

Merdeka Generation Benefit

In addition, a second initiative coined the “Merdeka Wednesday”, will be implemented come 1 July 2019.

This move is aim to support the Merdeka Generation, which refers to anyone born between 1950 to 1959.

Image: Screenshot from Merdekageneration.sg

This initiative will allow Merdeka Generation shoppers to receive a 3% discount on all FairPrice purchases when they shop on a Wednesday.

To be eligible for the discount, shoppers would need to show their Merdeka Generation cards and/or valid Identity Cards  to qualify.

To my readers, I hear a “thank you” from you for this very relevant PSA. 

To my editors, if I don’t get a pay raise, can I also slash my per-article word count by 20%? 

If only for the next 15 months?

Image: Tenor