NUS Now Looking For Poly Students Who Have ‘Entrepreneur’ Spirit


Have you always dreamt of being your own boss?

No, not a self-employed individual, but someone who wants to start a company to solve a pressing problem.

Then growing it until it becomes a conglomerate.

Because if you do, and you’re just finishing up polytechnic studies, a local university in Singapore is looking for you.

National University of Singapore (NUS) Looking To Admit More Poly Students 

This year, NUS is launching a new admission scheme for polytechnic students.

They’re not looking for sportsmen or Harvard-level geniuses. Instead, what they’re looking for are students who displayed the entrepreneur spirit.

NUS runs a program which aims to nurture entrepreneurs in different business nodes of the world, and they’ve asked the five polytechnics in Singapore to nominate their students for the programme.

So What Exactly Is An ‘Entrepreneur Spirit’?

The polytechnics are told to look out for students who show a strong inclination during their diploma studies towards entrepreneurship.

This includes students who’d participated in entrepreneurship-related programmes while in school.

So if you feel you have the right quality, although you’ve not participated much in the programmes in school, you might want to just go ahead and talk to your polytechnic faculty.

After all, negotiations and going after what you want is part of the attitude of an entrepreneur, right?

An Incentive For Entrepreneurs-To-Be To Apply

What’s the most important thing for an entrepreneur? To be smart? To have tons of money?


The number one thing every entrepreneur must have is connections.

And NUS is providing that for their students.

Students can get contacts and tips from NUS’ active industry partnerships.


Plus, their experiential education, like the NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC) Programme, will help expand the horizons of students as well.

More than 2,800 NOC alumni have set up over 370 companies across the entire world, some of which have been bought over by big companies.


In today’s world, it’s no longer about getting the same education. Nor is it about fitting into the same mould.

Instead, students today are focused on trying to stand out from the crowd, depending on what they want to achieve.

Similarly, education today is getting increasingly free form as well.


NUS totally get that, which is why they’ve come up with the Design-Your-Own-Module (DOYM) scheme.

It’s totally optional and it gives you the choice of deciding your own curriculum.

You can take up to four modular credits from your Unrestricted Elective Modules (UEM).

Students can organise themselves into a group of at least 10 and submit a proposal to an NUS faculty mentor for review and approval.

You can choose to invite a guest speaker from the industry to tutor the group, or select modules from edX.

So go on. Start a Baddy Feed, and BuffLord95 and I will join your company because Goody Feed sucks.
