SPF’s Special Ops Unit Broke into Woodlands HDB Flat & Arrested Man in SAF Number 4

Cops break into people’s homes all the time in the movies, as nothing looks cooler than someone kicking down a door to arrest a criminal.

While it’s a rare sight in real life, it does happen from time to time, even in Singapore.

SPF’s Special Ops Unit Broke into Woodlands HDB Flat to Arrest Man

Officers from the Singapore Police Force’s (SPF) Special Operations Command broke down the door of an HDB apartment on 5 Feb to apprehend a resident.

Two videos of the incident were uploaded to Facebook on Monday (8 Feb).

The first video shows officers forcing entry into the unit.

For the first minute or so, the officers use some unidentifiable tools to break down the door so they can enter the apartment.

Several officers appeared to be involved in this process, and it certainly wasn’t an easy operation.

Image: Facebook (Patrick Tan)

When the door is finally broken and torn apart, what appears to be a fridge is found to be obstructing the doorway.

Image: Facebook (Patrick Tan)

Just like me at night, getting past the fridge was no easy feat for the officers. Once they manage to get through the doorway, shouts of “Police!” can be heard, as they announce their entry into the flat.

Other unintelligible shouts from the officers can be heard at this point, as they prepare to arrest the individual inside.

Man Arrested in SAF Number 4

In the next video, the same officers are seen escorting a handcuffed individual to a police car.

What no one expected was that the man was wearing a SAF no. 4 uniform.

Image: Facebook (Patrick Tan)

So, what was this man’s offence? Why was he arrested?

An IMH Patient Who Posed Danger to Himself

Speaking to Mothershipthe police said the man is a 37-year-old patient from the Institute of Mental Health (IMH).

The police received a call from IMH staff who were at the man’s residential unit in Woodlands on the morning of 5 Feb.

The patient had allegedly refused to cooperate with medical staff and locked himself inside his unit, concerning the IMH staff.

When the police arrived on the scene and instructed the man to open the door, he refused.

This led the officers to believe that he might hurt himself or others in the flat, and so they decided to force their way into the apartment.

Officers finally gained entry into the flat at 4.23pm and apprehended the man under the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) Act.

They later referred him to IMH for further assessment.

Fortunately, no injuries were reported.

Featured Image: Facebook (Patrick Tan)