Old Lady Suffers Facial Injuries After Kid Allegedly Trips Her At Whampoa Wet Market

Kids aren’t exactly known for their kindness and empathy.

They’re known more for their pointing and laughing.

Or, in this case, tripping.

Young girl allegedly trips 79-year-old old lady at Whampoa Wet Market

In a Facebook post, Xin Hui appealed for witnesses after her 79-year-old grandmother was allegedly tripped by a young girl who is around 5 or 6 years old.

The incident took place at Whampoa Wet Market near a fish stall on 28 September.

Xin Hui says that the young girl stretched out her leg in front of her grandmother, causing her to trip over and fall to the ground.

The young girl was with her family at the time. According to Xin Hui, the family quickly left upon “hearing the fishmonger call for an ambulance”.

Image: Facebook (Xin Hui)

They’re not exactly setting the best example for the kid, are they?

If you ever do something wrong, run away so you don’t get caught!

Injured and sent to hospital

Image: Facebook (Xin Hui)

The poor old lady suffered a cut on her eyebrow and bled profusely from her nose and lips.

Image: Facebook (Xin Hui)

She was quickly sent to Tan Tock Seng Hospital where she received up to seven stitches. She also underwent a CT scan and is being kept under observation.

Xin Hui appealed for witnesses to help identify the child and provide information about the incident.

To the family, she said, “you owe us an explanation and compensation of hospital bills for leaving my injured and bleeding grandmother after she had fallen down because of your child”.

In an update, Xin Hui said that the police and MP are looking into the case.

This is the entire Facebook post: