OMG, adorable retired police dogs are up for adoption


Dogs are so adorable, and many of us have or had, or are planning to get one as a pet. What amazes me is dog’s loyalty, and sometimes we ask ourselves that one question, “What did humans do to deserve dogs?” Ever heard of the story Hachiko? Dogs are known to be a human’s best companion; they love us and stay truly loyal to us. Adorable retired police dogs are up for adoption now, and here’s why you need to adopt one.

They’re well trained
As a retired K9 pal, you can expect these dogs to be extremely well trained instead of your usual attention-seeking dog who just wants nothing but expensive meat and massages. Of course, many of us want a dog for pampering’s and companion’s sake, not to work the dog. But do you know that dogs still have to be trained properly in order to “function” at your home? You don’t want your dog messing up your furniture, and tearing your bed sheets every day, do you? Plus, you’ll probably feel safer with them “guarding” your house when you’re at work or rescue your baby toddler in an accident since they are trained to assist police with their unique skills and bravery.

They’re lovable and sociable
I’m sure you’ve heard of the many heroic stories of how dogs had aided humans. They’ve saved or helped rescue people from burning fires or robberies, and they are brave souls who put their “owners” before themselves. Since they’re bred in the police force, they’ve got used to seeing many different faces. They’re sociable not only with people, but other canines as well. And even if they aren’t, they will be friendly with humans.

You will know their origins
Singapore Police Force is trustable and reliable, so you don’t have to worry about the origins of these dogs. There have been lots of stories about how owners were lied to by sellers about the dogs’ origins and the dogs could have caught diseases or developed other problems. Your own police won’t scam you anyway, and it’s much safer and better to understand where your dog came from. Their K9 unit trainer wants the best for them too.

They deserve care and love
They’ve served Singaporeans all their lives, and they deserve to find loving homes now that they’ve done their duty to the nation.  These dogs may be old but gold, and they will give you happiness if you show them love. K9 dogs deserve to be cared for in their golden years too.

Add a new member to your family
Dogs can bring lots of happiness to the home! It can liven a house up if you’re feeling low, and bond your family better when you all go for evening strolls.

You know the tragic story of what happens to them if they don’t get adopted
Give these retired pals a new lease of life, and why not? Because they’re so adorable.

Why you should adopt than buy
Adoption helps to stop pet overpopulation, and if you’ve read about SPCA you’ll understand that they have been taking in lots of abandoned and stray animals to care for. There will be too many pets and not enough homes. By adopting you will not only save the life of your own pet but also help other animals living under the same shelter. They can receive more care and more room in the overcrowded shelters.  Lastly, adoption also costs less and adopting is an act of rescue and love. It’s a good deed that benefits more people and animals than you know.

But of course, adopting a dog is a life-long commitment. If you cannot commit, you should reconsider that decision. If you are interested in the adoption, you can call Bernard Tan or Jasmine Chan at 6314 6043 or email the at [email protected] or [email protected] respectively.

*All images from Home Team News (Singapore) Facebook Page

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