One Of The Two Singaporeans Who Died In California Boat Fire Was An Avid Diver


Tragedy struck in a wave of heat on 2 September (Monday) in California.

If you keep up with the news often, you’d have heard of the boat fire off of the coast of Santa Cruz Island.

33 passengers and 1 crew member fell victim to the blazing flames after their exits were suspected to have been blocked by the fire.

Amongst the passengers involved, there were two Singaporeans listed.

As the investigations are ongoing, the 33 bodies recovered are also going through DNA testing for identification.

Avid Diver Tan Wei

One of the two Singaporeans victims was a young female by the name of Tan Wei, a 26-year-old who hailed from a family of divers.

She was apparently a deeply passionate diver who “insisted on going diving” since the age of 10.

Her family was also supportive and brought her on a family adventure dive at Tioman, starting her path that led to her obtaining her diving license at age 17.

After graduation, Tan Wei moved to Santa Barbara to work as a data scientist.

As she was extremely close with her family and texted them very often, they realised something was amiss when their messages weren’t sending out.

While her sister, Ms Cheerin Tan, stated that they’re still unsure if Tan Wei was one of the bodies recovered, their family has “accepted it”.

Being avid divers, they knew that it would take something more than a miracle for an unexpected outcome.

Ms Cheerin Tan also took to Facebook to announce her sister’s passing.

Her brother, Mr Sejay Tan, is over at Santa Barbara to assist with paperwork and arrangements.

Ms Cheerin Tan also said: “She really enjoys outdoor sports so it’s at least comforting to know that she was doing something she loved in the last few moments of her life.”


We offer her family the deepest condolences and all the best in getting through this difficult phase.

Research Scientist Sunil Singh

The other unfortunate victim was a 46-year-old man named Mr Sunil Singh Sandhu.

Being a research scientist with a PhD in electrical engineering, it’s fair to say that he was a great talent lost.

On top of that, his father Mr Soljit Singh also described him to be “a beautiful character”, claiming that he was “always smiling and never short-tempered.”

Sunil Singh had also reportedly only picked up scuba diving just two months ago.


In Remembrance

In the wake of this tragedy, we hope that the families of the victims have the strength to pull through.

Also, may the investigations and DNA tests run smoothly and swiftly.

And last but not least, rest in peace, Ms Tan Wei and Mr Sunil Singh.