Our Old SAF Uniform Has Become Fashionable Bags That Look Lit

Last Updated on 2024-05-31 , 9:09 am

Before the current pixelated uniforms, there were camo SAF uniforms.

If you have no idea what I’m talking about, this is how the camo SAF uniform looked like.

Image: Carousell

Well, gotta say that I prefer the pixelated ones uh.

Cooler, you know.

So… What Happened to Those Old Camo Uniforms?

While the question has undoubtedly crossed the mind of many a veteran soldier, nobody really bothered to find out. At least no one in the office, although some of them have worn the old ones before.

Then we saw this video.

Published years ago, on 13 March 2014, the video explored the dark (?) future of the old Camo uniforms.

So What’s in Store For The Retired Uniforms?

Well firstly, they are dumped in a uniform recycled box… Alternatively, you can also offer your old camo uniforms at various collection points in SAF e-Marts and camps.

My colleague who has a bit of a generation gap with me said that during his active days, he would need to do a one-to-one exchange of his old uniform to the new ones.

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They are then taken to the army logistics base, where the uniforms go through a selection procedure. Factors involved include fading colours and tears in fabric. A passable uniform would be one with relatively new-looking colours, and minimal tears.

Incidentally, uniforms that fail the test would be disposed of via incineration.

Yeah, it sure sucks to be a SAF uniform… makes me kind of lucky I’m a unicorn.

Anyways, the lucky uniforms are then transported via first-class transport to a workplace filled with ladies.

The lovely women then proceed to cut, rip and shred the uniforms.

The uniforms thereafter undergo serious operations to become bags, banners, and even flowers.

Once the operation concludes, they are packed and shipped off to retailers.

And there you have it folks: the stuff that happens to our old SAF Camo uniforms!

Oh, and don’t laugh just yet, pixelated uniforms.

Because you know that saying…”As time passes, new shit happens.”

You can watch this video to know more about serving NS in the army:

Featured Image: Youtube (Ministry of Defence Singapore)