Police Found 36 People Partying in a Factory Unit That’s Converted into a ‘Club’


It was pretty big news when PM Lee, in his “good news speech”, explicitly said that the limit on the number of people gathering in groups has increased to eight.

Unfortunately, not everyone got the memo as a recent police raid would discover.

Police Found 36 People Partying in a Factory Unit That’s Converted into a ‘Club’

On 29 Dec 2020, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) announced, in a news release, the latest result of their operations.

36 people, partying together as though it’s 2019.

The police operation, which took place from 15 to 26 Dec 2020, was targetted at shutting down criminal activities islandwide, including places like Clark Quay, Boat Quay and Orchard Road.

For the raid at the factory unit, the SPF described it as an “unlicensed entertainment outlet” holding a “private celebration” with 36 patrons between 7 and 66 years old.

Image: SPF

The celebration was reportedly organised by two people aged 50 and 58 years old, who are now being investigated for providing public entertainment without a valid license.

The remaining 36 people won’t get away scot-free either.

“The 36 patrons will also be investigated for non-compliance with safe distancing measures under the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Control Order) Regulations 2020.”

A Total Of 67 People Arrested

In total, SPF arrested 67 people in the entire operation.

The offences include vice-related activities, illegal gambling, being members of unlawful societies and drug-related offences.

Five massage parlours were also caught for operating without a valid license.

Investigations are ongoing for the cases and SPF says it’ll continue to clamp down on criminal activities during the year-end festive season.

PSA: Things You Can Do from 28 Dec Onwards As Phase 3 Starts

As for what you can do during Phase 3, you can read the comprehensive article we’ve previously written here.

Here’s the TL; DR for those who aren’t interested in getting the specifics:

  • Group size limit increased to 8
  • Easing of restrictions on religious organisations, including allowing live performance, increase in capacity and impending TraceTogether-Only SafeEntry
  • Up to 8 visitors for home solemnisations and live instrumental performances allowed for funerals, wedding receptions and solemnisations
  • Up to 250 pax for indoor live performances
  • Pilots for outdoor live performances increases to 250
  • Increase in capacity for some local attractions, including the Singapore Bird Park
  • Can play 4v4 in sports (allow up to 8 pax in a group for sports activities)
  • More public spaces will reopen

Yes, just in case you’ve missed it, you cannot party with 36 people during Phase 3.

Featured Image: SPF
