Passenger Brings Miniature Horse On Plane As Service Animal & Netizens Are Outraged


Travelling on a plane can sometimes be an unpleasant experience.

Like when you have an 18-hour flight at 4am and you’re about to slip into sweet slumber when two babies start crying hysterically because they both happened to take a shit at the same time.

Or when you saved several shows on Netflix for your long flight but can’t watch any of them because the passenger next to you won’t stop talking about noise pollution in Australia.

Or when someone brings a tiny horse on a plane. Don’t you hate when that happens?

Reader: That’s literally never happened. Is it even possible?

Well, it is, according to the Mirror. 

Passenger Brings Miniature Horse On Plane As Service Animal

Photos of horses are popular on the internet because, well, they’re adorable.

Image: Pinterest

But when there’s a picture of a horse on a goddamn plane, then that mofo is going to go viral.

A photo of a miniature horse on a plane was uploaded to Instagram with the caption “NOTE: THIS IS A LEGITIMATE, HIGHLY-TRAINED SERVICE ANIMAL USED FOR THE BLIND, ETC., it is NOT an Emotional Support Animal. They aren’t one and the same. Just an FYI”

Service Animals Allowed On Some Airlines

In case you don’t know, some airlines allow their passengers to bring service animals or emotional support animals with them on flights if they have an actual condition that requires it.

One example would be a service dog for a blind person.

Many, however, felt that bringing a tiny horsey on a plane was taking it a bit too far.

The photo was uploaded to an Instagram account called Passenger Shaming, where, I’m guessing they shame passengers.

And shame they did.

Furious netizens

As with everything else on the internet, netizens had something to say, and most of them were not too pleased.

Image: Instagram (Passenger Shaming)
Image: Instagram (Passenger Shaming)

Others felt like it was unfair to the animal, who looked rather depressed in his face mask.

Image: Instagram (Passenger Shaming)

Others supported the passenger’s decision to bring her horse on board.

Image: Instagram (Passenger Shaming)
Image: Instagram (Passenger Shaming)

Leave it to the internet to be divided over absolutely anything.


Is the Photo Even Real?

If you’re like me, you probably questioned whether the photo was faked because the idea of a horse on a plane sounds too ridiculous to be true.

But, sometimes, dear reader, life is too ridiculous to be true.

It turns out that bringing horses on a plane is not that rare an occurrence. Look at these two photos, for instance.

Image: Instagram
Image: Instagram

Yep, don’t mind me, I’m just bringing my pony through customs.

I personally don’t mind a tiny horse on a plane. They probably have better manners than most passengers anyway, like the ones who take out their shoes and stick their putrid bare feet in your face.

Image: Giphy

So, what do you think? Yea or neigh?
