Penguin Returns Home to Find Wife With Another Man And Loses It

This penguin had a very unlucky day.

A video published on National Geographic showed how a fight ensued after a penguin caught his wife with another man.


After doing so, the two love rivals hash it out in a bloody battle after the wife went off with an intruder. 


And even after the mother of his child chooses to go off with the home wrecker, the husband penguin refuses to give up and even fights the intruder to a bloodied end.


According to an article by UniLad, the husband penguin delivers several blows to this opponent with his flippers ‘like baseball bats to club each other, delivering up to eight blows a second’. 

However, the video also depicts a penguin colony of over 250,000 which has gathered to fix their nests and breed. Guess it wouldn’t take long for the male penguin to find his other half again – hopefully this time, without any trust issues! 


Guess many couples can really relate to this. 

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