People In China Have Been Eating Cats And Using Their Fur To Make Shoes, Gloves, & Purses

I’m about to make a statement and you cannot disagree.

Even if I’ve probably said it many times already.

Cats are so precious.

Image: Good Housekeeping

How can you be mad at that?

It’s no secret that these felines are beloved by many, be it strays or as household pets.

Which is why it’ll likely anger a lot of you (and me) when I tell you that somewhere out there, people are eating cats.

Image: Giphy

Kitty Cruelty

I’m really not feline good about writing this one.

According to World Of BuzzFacebook group ‘Anti-Fur Society’ has recently shared a disturbing post regarding cats in China.

Warning: the post displays of animal cruelty in the pictures. Please avoid if things like this irk you.

Image: Facebook (Anti-Fur Society)
I really cannot bear to even look at that.

Unfortunately, what you are seeing is a cruel reality.

There are people in China who are capturing cats, both stray and domestic and using them as a source of sustenance.

Which means these cats are being eaten as food.

Image: Facebook (Anti-Fur Society)
This is just like the whole eating dogs fiasco and is just disgusting.

Butchers apparently boil the cats alive and skin them of their fur to get their meat.

Their skin and fur are then recycled and made into products such as shoes, gloves, and purses sold in leather stores.

Image: Facebook (Anti-Fur Society)

It makes me shiver knowing that these were made from live cats.

The group feels it is unfair that the USA and Europe make the pet fur trade illegal but still let the products to slip into their country without any proper inspection.

Their post has included a call for donations to help cats around China and ultimately purging cat abuse.

Something I might heavily consider donating to.

I pray that something can be done soon to help the poor cats over there eventually.

Things You Can Do Locally

Even here in Sunny Singapore, you can help out forms of animal abuse here too.

It’s no secret that there are quite a number of stray cats in Singapore and it’s usually best to just leave them be.

Image: Surprising Horizons

If you do see anyone doing nasty things to animals, you can contact the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) at 6287 5355.

Cats and other animals are like family to some so let’s treat them well!