Perfectly Preserved 18,000-Year-Old Frozen Puppy Found In Siberia; Oldest Dog Ever Found


How old is the oldest dog you know? 

Well, we bet you that the one we know is older. Meet Dogor, an 18,000-year-old frozen puppy that was recently found in Siberia. 

Image: Sergey Fedorov/Siberian Times

SkyNews reported that Dogor’s perfectly preserved body was found somewhere close to Yakutsk in eastern Siberia last year. 

Dogor, which adorably means friend in Yakutian, was so well preserved that even its nose, fur, and teeth were in tip-top condition. 

Image: Sergey Fedorov/Siberian Times

Oldest Dog Ever Found

Mr Love Dalen, a researcher, said that it was so well preserved that they didn’t have to do much to clean it up when it was found. They even thought it was a recently dead animal. 

By measuring Dogor’s age through a forensic method known as carbon dating, they were shocked to discover that it was roughly 18,000 years old and possibly one of the oldest dogs to ever be found. 

Dog Or Wolf

Dogor’s lineage is still a mystery although it should have been relatively easy to tell the difference between a wolf and a dog. 

A researcher at the Centre for Palaeogenetics called David Stanton said that despite the large amount of data they got, they still couldn’t pinpoint Dogor’s lineage.

This could mean that Dogor was from a population that was ancestral to both dogs and wolves.

Image: Giphy

It is currently suspected that Dogor came from a time when dogs were becoming domesticated, which studies show should have happened about 20,000 – 40,000 years ago. 

This suggests that Dogor is “halfway between” a dog and a wolf. 

This is honestly a super cool discovery, and we are excited to find out the truth about Dogor’s lineage. 

However, whatever the case may be, whether it’s a dog or wolf, we will still love it for being the oldest puppy to have ever been discovered! 

Image: Giphy