Yishun Pet Shop Manager Fined for Fighting with SDA After Image of Him Without Mask Was Taken

What would you do if you were caught outside not wearing a face mask?

Well, you’d probably place your face firmly in your palm and chastise yourself for leaving it at home.

You then accept your S$300 fine, quickly put on a mask, and move on with your day.

One pet shop manager in Yishun did something a little different, however. He fought with a safe distancing officer and ended up getting an even heavier fine.

In this instance, however, it was the officer who seems to have started the fight.

Yishun Pet Shop Manager Fought with SDA After Image of Him Without Mask Was Taken

On 16 Dec last year, Aloysius Hoe Wei Peng, a safe distancing ambassador, was out with his female colleague doing their job when they came across Little Pets Kingdom, a pet shop located at Yishun Central 1.

The 40-year-old noticed that the manager inside the pet shop was not wearing a mask, and instructed his colleague to take a picture of the shop.

He Jun, the manager of the shop, saw this and was displeased. At the time, both Hoe and his colleague were wearing lanyards with passes that displayed their job titles.

Still, He Jun was upset and asked the female colleague why she had taken a photo. Hoe then asked him: “What’s wrong?”

This escalated into a full-blown argument and Hoe kicked He Jun at one point, who then grabbed a stone lion statue from a nearby table and threw it at Hoe.

The two continued grabbing, punching, and kicking each other for some time, until another man who worked at a shop next door intervened and separated them.

Hoe called the police to report the incident, saying: “I am an SDA (safe distancing ambassador). I was doing my job. However, he beat me up. I do not need ambulance.”

Hoe later visited Khoo Teck Puat Hospital as he sustained some bruises and abrasions. He Jun suffered a swollen right hand, but did not seek medical attention.

Slapped With $2,000 Fine

While both men have been charged over the incident, it was He Jun who learned his fate first.

Yesterday (9 June), the 48-year-old was fined S$2,000 after pleading guilty to affray.

Another charge of using vulgarities at the other man was taken into consideration for sentencing. Despite not wearing a mask, he was not charged with breaching any COVID-19 laws.

As for Hoe, his case is pending and he will return to court on 29 June.

Last Feb, before he became an SDA, Hoe also allegedly stepped on a man’s spectacles at Waterway Point mall in Punggol and kicked him.

He faces charges for that attack as well.

Featured Image: Facebook (Chan Chun Sing)