PlayMade Has Wasabi Milk Tea With Wasabi Pearls & Cocoa Milk Tea With Mala Pearls This October 2019

When I think of bubble tea, the first word that comes to mind is “diabetes”.

Because of the huge amount of sugar in each drink, obviously.

But despite how sinful a cup of bubble tea is, it can be really hard to resist once in a while. Especially on a really hot day, where some delicious brown sugar fresh milk sounds like the perfect way to cool yourself down.

And hot days are basically every day in Singapore.

Image: Tenor

Okay, no, I shouldn’t be here telling you to drink bubble tea every day. 

Just look at a video we’ve done about bubble tea and you’ll get it:

But instead, I’m here to tell you not to go for your usual order the next time you’re in need of a bubble tea fix.

Change things up a bit and try this out instead.

Wasabi & Mala-Flavoured Bubble Tea

It’s officially spooky season and PlayMade is here to get us into the Halloween spirit with their two brand new bubble tea drinks: Wasabi Milk Tea with Wasabi Pearls and Cocoa Milk Tea with Mala Pearls.

Image: Playmade

Okay, the first time I read it, I felt like the whole idea was weird as heck.

Who in their right mind would put something as hot as mala or wasabi in everyone’s favourite cooling, comfort drink?

Mixing heaven and hell just does not seem like a good idea.

But if you’re someone who’s up for a challenge, you might want to give these two drinks a try. Who knows, you might end up really really liking it.

Only Available In October

The popular bubble tea chain, which has just celebrated its second birthday, has paired up with Singtel GOMO to launch these unique bubble tea flavours for the month of October.

Image: Facebook (Playmade by 丸作)

The Wasabi Milk Tea with Wasabi Pearls will be available from now till 14 October, and the Cocoa Milk Tea with Mala Pearls will be sold from 15 October till the end of the month.

If you’re a Singtel GOMO subscriber, you can enjoy $2 off all large-sized drinks, and also get a free upsize if you post an IG story of their new bubble teas.

Not For Those With A Weak Stomach

The Wasabi Milk Tea with Wasabi Pearls features wasabi-flavoured pearls that are made with pure wasabi powder imported from Japan.

Warning: it might not be for you if you have a weak stomach. 

Instagram user only made it through a quarter of the drink before getting stomach problems.

Image: Instagram ( )

“As much as I love wasabi, this probably isn’t for me. The drink unfortunately made me feel sick in the stomach 😢 .
The intense spiciness of wasabi hit me hard after the first sip, and I actually liked it initially (maybe I am M for wasabi 😂)

About a quarter through the drink, my stomach started feeling sick and it got worse the more I drank. Maybe this is how it feels like when you overdose on wasabi.” 


I mean, I guess it’s kind of expected considering the fact that you’ll basically be consuming a wasabi drink with even more wasabi as a topping.

One can only wonder what the Cocoa Milk Tea with Mala Pearls will taste like, with its mala-flavoured pearls created using a special homemade mala sauce from Taiwan.

Imagine chewing a pearl and having your entire mouth filled with an explosion of mala flavours.

Image: Giphy

I’m just not sure how it would be like paired with cocoa.

Well…I guess there’s only one way to find out.