Please Thank These 10 Groups of People Who Have to Work During CNY

Last Updated on 2020-01-16 , 9:44 pm

Although it is Chinese New Year, not everyone will get their day off. As some services are still available during Chinese New Year, certain groups of people will still need to work while you sink yourself into the festive season.

Here are the groups of people who still need to work during the festive season and let’s appreciate their efforts.

Retail Assistant / Cashiers


If you have not realised, NTUC Fairprice will be opened from the second day of Chinese New Year onwards. Therefore, we will still be able to stock up on our groceries and we need to thank the retail assistants for bringing out the fresh groceries for us.

So, please, do everyone a favour: if there’s a long queue, don’t lose your temper.

Healthcare Staff


Even during Chinese New Year, some clinics will still be open in case of emergency, and hospitals are definitely still open. Thus, some doctors and nurses will still be working during Chinese New Year. If you’ve not appreciated their effort yet, now is the best time to do so.

Uniformed Groups Personnel


Whether it’s the men in blue protecting you from the bad guys, the men in green patrolling their camps to ensure that no one could spoil our festive seasons, or the men in blue waiting in their bunks and jumping into action the moment a fire occurs somewhere, these unsung heroes, hidden beyond our naked eyes, are ensuring that our Chinese New Year goes smoothly.

Public Transport Operators


As there would still be bus services operating during Chinese New Year, we will need to thank the drivers for sacrificing their time during this period, even on the first day of Chinese New Year. And of course, not forgetting the countless taxi / Uber / Grab drivers who rather earn more money than spend time with their loved ones!

Cinema Operators


Cinemas would still be opened during Chinese New Year so many staff would be involved in operating each cinema. What, you think that just because you don’t see them, the cinema runs on auto-pilot?

Fast-food Restaurant Servers


While most coffee shops are closed during Chinese New Year, fast food restaurants will still be open if you are still hungry after dinner. And some are even open 24 hours, so you’ll never go hungry this CNY!

Restaurant Servers


Certain restaurants are still open during Chinese New Year so families can still eat outside if you want to save the trouble of cooking during this period, or are sick and tired of having fast food!

Hotel Staff

Image: TripAdvisor

Hotels will definitely be open during Chinese New Year since we have tourists visiting our country during this period. While they might not serve us, the Singaporeans, they’re still out there working hard to make tourists feel welcome (and therefore, make Singapore richer!)!

Changi Airport Staff


Similar to the point above, there will be tourists coming into the country and Singaporeans travelling out of the country. Thus, the airport will still be operating so imagine how many staff would be needed for the airport to run as per normal!

Tourist Spot Staff


Many of the tourist spots in Singapore such as the Singapore Zoo and Universal Studios will be open during Chinese New Year so you can head out to play if you don’t have many visits to make. Hence, many people would be working in these places to ensure smooth operation.