Some Pokémon Gyms are Taken Over by…Eggs


Team Instinct, are you sick and tired of being the underdogs because of the overwhelming numbers of both Team Valor and Team Mystic?

Well, some industrious players have gone and allegedly found another use for Pokemon eggs in the game.

The Pokemon Gym Glitch


According to businessinsider, Pokemon gym defenders in the game are placing their eggs instead of Pokemon in defence of the gym.

With the mechanics of the game preventing anybody from challenging a Pokemon (an egg?) with 0 CP, the team that got to the gym first will be gym holder indefinitely.


Pokemon trainers from the same team can then place their Pokemon in the gym to gain defender benefits as well.

Game-changing glitch

Traditionally, Pokemon trainers have to leave a strong Pokemon to defend the gym, making it unusable for future gym battles.

Now with the unbeatable egg, you’re free to use your strongest Pokemon to conquer gyms in Singapore as and when you like.

But There’s a Catch

As with all good things, there’s a catch. Given that the game has launched less than a month ago, glitches like these are understandable but as the game updates and the developers improve gameplay, you can bet that this will be removed.

And given how Niantic is coming down hard on cheaters, your account might just be permanently banned for this.

Brings a whole new meaning to the saying: throwing an egg at a rock (以卵擊石).

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