Poster at AMK Uses Iconic Character From Popular Game Franchise For Bicycle Parking


Lest you’re unaware, there are quite a few ways to draw attention: performing a magic trick in public, playing pranks on your crush and stripping down to your undies at a talent competition all qualify as pretty legitimate ways of procuring significant attention.

But every now and then, we get something that’s not just attention-grabbing.

It downright makes us question the legality of it.

And indeed, that’s certainly the case for this Courtesy poster at Ang Mo Kio, because the last time we checked…

That dude in the poster isn’t the mascot of the Singapore Kindness Movement but a game called Fallout.

Image: Reddit

Fallout… SG?

Uploaded by Reddit user galaxyuser, the Courtesy poster insinuated to bicycle-riders to park at the area, and expressed its thanks for the compliance.

Which would’ve been fine and all, had this guy not been in the picture.

Image: Reddit

For those unaware, this cartoonish guy happens to hail from the game Fallout 4 and is popularly known as the Vault Boy amongst gamers.

Primarily used to provide an iconic representation of almost all stats and items in later games, Vault Boy is a generic representation of one’s actions and survival and has appeared in achievements and trophies for Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 4.

He has also undertaken the mascot role in the Fallout series.

Image: Youtube

So in other words, he really shouldn’t be on a courtesy poster in Ang Mo Kio, of all things.

And the Netizens caught it

Netizens are reputable for being pretty straight-to-the-point. And as it turns out…

This time’s no different.

With questions ranging from whether it’s legal, to entire conversations about the creative studio behind the game, it makes you believe in one thing:

Netizens can converse just about anything.

Image: Reddit
Image: Reddit

Also, there were also those that blasted Ang Mo Kio for it…

Image: Reddit

…as he probably was referring to the Merlion issue in Ang Mo Kio, whereby a pair of Merlions were built in front of an HDB car park entrance, but was forced to be removed as they were not authorized to be there (the IPs of the Merlion belong to Singapore Tourism Board).

And then there are those that speculated about the whole ’cause’ behind it…

Image: Reddit

Alongside a slight Miss Singapore Universe deja vu

Image: Reddit
Image: Reddit

Though in the end, maybe it’s just about the…

Image: Reddit

Now I’ve no idea how Vault Boy would react to this ‘forced’ cameo…


But I would imagine it’s something along the lines of this:

Image: Know Your Meme

Vault Boy Fever

Since we’re on the topic, I’m just going to come out and say that at first glance, the design looked extraordinarily familiar. And after a bit of digging around, I realise why:

According to, the character of Vault Boy was originally designed by Leonard Boyarsky, and he was based partly on Rich Uncle Pennybags from the Monopoly board game before being drawn for Fallout by George Almond for the first few cards.

Image: Medium

Which means that yeah

The thanks guy you saw on the Courtesy Poster is probably Mr Monopolgy’s illegitimate child or something.

Image: EVe & Fall
