Pretty Chinese Woman Refuses To Pay For Taxi Fare, Even Kicks Security Guard In The Groin

A video from Facebook user, Issac Cheng, has been going viral since yesterday showing a dispute between a Chinese woman, a taxi driver and a security guard.

The Chinese woman was seen hurling vulgarities at the security guard, an older Indian woman and then sending a kick to her groin when the security guard refused to get go of her.

The incident took place at Enggor Street near Springleaf Tower, when the Chinese lady allegedly alighted the taxi without paying for the fare. The taxi driver then held onto her bag in an attempt to not let her go. She then spewed profanities at the taxi driver and even taunted him to call the police.

The video then showed a Indian security guard and a Chinese man pulling the lady in a struggle. The lady continued to taunt the security guard, repeatedly telling her “You are scared” and even telling her “I f***ing carry money”. The lady then went on to hit the security guard on the head with her phone. 

As the fight ensued, she then raised her legs to kick the security guard in the groin. She was wearing high heels then.

The brave security guard continued to stand still and firmly held on to her hand to prevent her from continuously hurting her. Her hands were already slightly bloodied by then.

Though the video didn’t know whether the police really did appear at the end, it did show the Chinese woman walking away. One even said that she was drunk. But regardless of whether she did it when she was conscious or really drunk, she won’t be able to run or hide with all the footage that has been captured.

But really though, sometimes being pretty on the appearance does not equate to being pretty on the inside.

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