Pride Flag Ripped from Woman’s Window Twice After Someone Complained About It

On 29 June, a woman took to Instagram to share how her pride flag was violently ripped off from her window by some vandals. 

She had been working from home when she heard a “loud bang”. She found that her “closed windows were trashed open”, saying that “a few hateful people violently yanked the flag off and ran away”. 

Before this incident occurred, the police had paid the woman a visit to advise her about the flag after they had received a complaint from a member of the public. 

Although it is not currently known if the two incidents are related, the police are now investigating the act of vandalism. 

How It All Started

The woman had put up the pride flag on her window to celebrate Pride Month on 1 June. 

On 21 June, the police had arrived at her home and informed her that they had received a complaint about the flag. 

They said that they were there to advise her about the situation. 

The woman asked if she had done anything illegal, and the police confirmed that she had not. 

Confused, the lady went on to ask that if she had not committed a crime, why did they go to her house to question her? 

The police insisted that they had to advise her as there had been a complaint made about the flag. They told her that she could take the flag down if she wanted to, and that whatever she chose to do about it was up to her.

The woman asked if the police could advise the complainant instead since she had not done anything illegal. 

However, the police said that they could not tell the complainant what to do. 

They then took down her name, NRIC number and other details before leaving her home. 

She said that she “[sat] around with a sick feeling in [her] tummy after they [left]”. 

She told MS News that she could not comprehend why she and her family had to undergo such a stressful ordeal when they had not done anything wrong. 

After this incident, her pride flag was then violently ripped off her window on Tuesday (29 June). 

The vandals had ripped the flag from her window before running away. 

She did not manage to see who the vandals were, but she put the flag back up. 

However, moments later, the flag was ripped from her window again. 

She said that the perpetrators were “more violent” this time, and that the windows had “[shaken] from the impact”. 

She added that the strings that had been propping the flag up were ripped, which knocked items off her work table. 

The incident left her family feeling uneasy, as they were concerned that the culprits could return. 

The lady said that she “sat in [her] room for [five minutes] processing the hate” after the incident. 

She wrote that as a “queer brown woman”, she has had “33 years of exposure to hate” and said that she has been “a bit desensitised” to such incidents. 

She affirmed that she was going to put the flag back up and she was also going to purchase a progress flag to display on her front door, decisively declaring that “this hate won’t win today”. 

In another Instagram story, she said that she is “really okay with the person who complained”, but that she took issue with the way the authorities had handled the situation by insisting on investigating and advising her when she did not commit any crime. 

The lady told MS News that the police have reached out to her and told her that they are investigating the matter.

Featured Image: Facebook (Oogachaga)