PSY Just Came Out With A New Music Video With PPAP’s Pikataro In It!

If you’re still not sure who PSY and PPAP are, it’s time for you to come out of your cave and reflect because these 2 popstars are the one of the most influential human beings of the 21st century.

Well, sort of – in the social media scene anyway. 

PSY, the South Korean singer released a music video titled “Gangnam Style” in 2012. The song received widespread international recognition and became the most viewed YouTube video.

Pikataro, on the other hand, came out with the hit single “PPAP” also known as “Pen, Pineapple, Apple Pen” in 2016 and became the next viral video.

Hailed as the new “Gangnam Style” by many news outlets, this song also reached its worldwide fame when celebrities from all around the world came up with parodies of the PPAP song of their own.

Even our dear Channel 8 tried PPAP and, well, it was….. very weird.

So, of course, what better to celebrate the existence of these two phenomenal human beings than to put them in a music video together?

Yup, not only is PSY back with a new hit single and looking better than ever, Pikotaro also makes a cameo in this new MV with newer and cuter dance moves! And, as usual, the song is addictive as hell so don’t say we never wong you!  

What do you think about this new MV? The team at Goody Feed is extremely psyched to see how the world is going to react to this collaboration! 

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