PUB To Start Installing Smart Water Meters Next Year In 7 Areas

Do you leave the tap running when you’re brushing your teeth?

Reader: I think I do that, yes.

And do you shower for way longer than necessary because it feels good to have a hot shower?

Reader: Well, yes, but I think everyone does th-

Congratulations, dear reader, you’re a dick to the environment!

Image: Giphy

Reader: Hey that’s just mean, man

Ok, I must admit, I’m guilty of these things too. But a new PUB initiative might change all that and help us become better residents of Earth.

PUB To Start Installing Smart Water Meters Next Year In 7 Areas

Next year, PUB will start its smart water meter programme in Bukit Batok, Hougang, Jurong West, Tampines, Tuas, Tampines North and Tengah.

So, if you live in these areas, you’ll be able to monitor your consumption of water and use it more efficiently.

Around 300,000 meters will be installed in homes and commercial and industrial buildings at these locations by 2023, PUB said on Saturday (11 Jan).

Works like fitness trackers

According to The Straits Times, the smart meters are like fitness trackers in that they will give customers access via a Web portal to near real-time water usage data that is easy to understand.

So, you’ll get a notification if your usage is high or if you have leaks, for example.

But why? Why do we need these smart meters?

Water conservation

Well, that’s because we behave like there’s an infinite supply of water endlessly pouring out of Earth’s ass when it’s actually a finite and precious commodity.

Environment and Water Resources Minister Masagos Zulkifli said on Saturday that the smart meters are a major boost for water conservation efforts.

Each person here consumes an average of 141 litres of water a day, added Mr Masagos, so “there is room to save more”.

If you are struggling to picture 141 litres, that’s about 94 big bottles of Coke. Do we really need that much every single day? Also, why are we bathing with Coke?

Mr Masagos said that while we have diversified sources of water here like Newater and desalinated water, the increasing demand and economic growth will place greater strain on such resources.

“Climate change is another serious threat. More extreme weather could lead to prolonged dry spells, which in turn will compromise our water supply… That is why we must each consciously find ways to conserve our water and safeguard Singapore’s water security”, he said.

Free installation

Yes, it’s that word that makes every Singaporean happy and slightly aroused – free.

PUB said the meters will be installed and maintained at no charge to customers. It intends to deploy them all over the country after the first phase has been reviewed.

And these new smart meters aren’t just for us; PUB will use data from the meters – including usage spikes throughout the day – to plan for changes that need to be made to the water system.

PUB carried out trials in 800 households in Punggol and Yuhua in 2016 and 2018, and it showed positive results.

Households were found to have water savings of about 5 per cent due to early leak detection and the adoption of water-saving habits.

So, if you happen to live in these areas where smart meters will be installed, great. There’ll be no excuse not to save water.

But even if you don’t, you should make it a point to be prudent with your water usage. Here are some water conservation tips, courtesy of PUB. 

  • WASH clothes on full load
  • ALWAYS use half-flush when possible
  • TURN off shower when soaping
  • ENSURE tap is off when brushing teeth
  • RINSE vegetables in container

Remember, we only have one Earth. And while we can hope that Elon Musk will help us colonise Mars one day, we have to behave like it’s do or die for our little green planet.