Customer Allegedly Seeks Refund for Unpeeled Prawns in Their Prawn Noodles

There are many things you don’t want to find in your food when you dine out at food and beverage establishments.

These include:

  1. Dead insects
  2. Alive insects
  3. Hair
  4. Nails
  5. Pineapples (if you’re eating pizza)

If you find an unwanted ingredient in your food, such as a chubby cockroach, your first instinct would be to inform the stall you ordered from and request a refund, right?

After all, it’s only right that you get your money back for this tainted dish.

But what if you eat most of what you bought and still ask for a refund later on? Well, this is exactly what one customer tried recently.

Suffice it to say it didn’t go down well.

Customer Allegedly Seeks Refund for Unpeeled Prawns in Their Prawn Noodles

A local prawn noodles chain took to social media to air their grievances over a customer’s seemingly unreasonable request for a refund.

Deanna’s Kitchen detailed the incident in a Facebook post yesterday (4 July).

According to the restaurant, their delivery partner Deliveroo sent them an email informing them that a customer who ordered a bowl of prawn noodles is now asking for a full refund because the prawns came unpeeled.

Image: Facebook (Deanna’s Kitchen)

“We’ve charged the refund to you because the rider only delivered one order. When riders deliver multiple orders and the wrong items are delivered, we pay the refund ourselves”, the email allegedly said.

You may think this request was reasonable, except that, as the restaurant pointed out, the customer had already eaten about 3/4 of the noodles. 

The customer had also consumed all the clams, so all that was left in the bowl were the shelled prawns and a few strips of noodles.

Deanna’s Kitchen rejected the customer’s request for a refund since they had already eaten most of it.

“Joke of the month”, the restaurant said in their post.

Deliveroo Covering Cost of Refund

In their post, Deanna’s Kitchen asked for customers to show more compassion to restaurant owners as it’s “tough running a business in this climate”.

In an update, the restaurant said it was informed by Deliveroo that the delivery platform will be covering the cost of the refund.

Still, netizens were not appeased.

Netizens’ Reaction

Many netizens found the refund request ludicrous as well, with some calling the customer a cheapskate.

“How ethical is it to eat 3/4 of the food then ask for refund. You did right to refuse the refund. ABSOLUTELY ABSURD!!!” one netizen said.

One user pointed out that the customer may have asked for a refund because they specifically requested deshelled prawns.

If that’s indeed the case, then why did they nearly finish the whole thing?

It’s yet another mystery that will likely never be solved.

Featured Image: Facebook (Deanna’s Kitchen)