Remember the ‘Plastic’ Chin Chow Bought from NTUC FairPrice? FairPrice Has an Answer Now

I‘m sure many of you have seen the latest viral hit on the Internet – Chin Chow – and not for good reasons because in all those videos, the chin chow looked more like dried up pieces of sponge than chin chow.

Okay, for those who are not sure what Chin Chow is, they’re essentially grass jelly, a type of herbal jelly found in many Chinese desserts that is known to soothe the heat. 

On 12th May 2017, Facebook user Sng Hock Huat uploaded a video of a packet of Tan Soon Mui grass jelly. In the video, he showed how the grass jelly had bad texture and colour, and also claimed that he bought it at a FairPrice outlet. And this, well, alarmed many netizens because the grass jelly didn’t look the least bit edible.

Here, have a look.


Posted by Sng Hock Huat on Friday, 12 May 2017

Couldn’t help but gush at how cute the uncle’s narration in the video was.

But anyway, moving on.

In the video, Hock Huat commented that the grass jelly was like ‘plastic’ and that grass jelly is not supposed to be like that. He also said that he wasn’t able to eat the grass jelly due to its sticky consistencies. 

Since then, the video has been widely shared on social media and WhatsApp. 

On 6th May 2017, a YouTube user also posted a similar video commenting on the texture of the grass jelly. However, in that video, the grass jelly from Tan Soon Mui looked and felt more like a sponge.

In response to the videos, FairPrice has stepped out to comment:

“Dear fans, we understand a video on a chin chow product is being circulated. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

“We take food and safety matters very seriously and we have since been in contact with our supplier for the product in question.

“We would like to appeal to the creator of the video to contact us directly through private message, email: [email protected] or through our hotline at 6552 2722 to aid in our investigation.

“Thank you.”

However, things did not just end here.

Just yesterday, NTUC FairPrice posted an update saying that the manufacturer, Tan Soon Mui, has contacted them to clarify regarding the allegation that their grass jelly is made of plastic. They have also since contacted the authorities and filed a police report. 

Here’s their statement lest you can’t read it:

UPDATES: We have contacted the manufacturer, Tan Soon Mui, for clarification regarding the allegation that their chin chow (grass jelly) product is made of plastic. It has been clarified that this claim is false, and we understand that the manufacturer has made a police report over the post. Checks on existing batches do not reveal any abnormalities and samples have been sent for further lab tests as well. The manufacturer has advised that freezing and thawing of the product may affect the texture and consistency of the product.

Nonetheless, we had appealed for the creator of the video to contact us to aid in our investigations and to attain an actual sample of the product in question. We have yet to establish a connection with this customer. We advise the public not to circulate unfounded or unverified information which may cause unnecessary public alarm, and the manufacturer is currently working with the authorities on the matter.

We’d like to take the opportunity to also remind the public to be mindful of information spread on social media and messaging platforms, and encourage all to verify information directly with the source when in doubt. For clarifications, consumers may contact us directly at our Customer Relations Hotline at 6552 2722, through email at [email protected] or post a comment on our Facebook Page at Thank you!

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Featured Image: Facebook (Sng Hock Huat and NTUC FairPrice)

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