S’pore Woman Returns From Holiday to See Boxes of Delivery Items Outside Home

Thinking of giving your phone to a child to keep them entertained?

You probably shouldn’t. Here’s why.

S’pore Woman Returns from Holiday to See Boxes of Taobao Items Delivered to Her Doorstep; Speculates Four-Year-Old Nephew Ordered the Items

When Ms Ong left Singapore for Japan on 24 April, the last thing she probably expected was to be greeted by stacks of Taobao packages at her doorstep upon her return.

Yet, that’s precisely what happened.

Ms Ong returned from her holiday on 4 May to see boxes of Taobao items outside her home. Surprising, given that she did not recall ordering anything from Taobao.

Early Christmas gifts from a secret admirer, perhaps?

No. Just a four-year-old having fun with good old retail therapy.

Yes, you read that right. The whole story is this: When Ms Ong checked her Taobao account, it came to her attention that the orders for the items at her doorstep had indeed come from her account.

These orders were placed on 11 April, the same day she had chucked her phone to her four-year-old nephew to play with while she hung out with her kakis.

As such, Ms Ong speculates that her four-year-old nephew ordered the Taobao items while he was playing around on her phone.

Well, we hope he didn’t do anything beyond that—maybe she should check her WhatsApp chats for any signs of four-year-old-sounding messages.

Up to 20 of the Same Product Ordered; Total Cost of Ordered Items Amounts to $2,000

Looking at the sheer amount of items that Ms Ong’s four-year-old nephew ordered, one thing’s sure: he’s probably stressed beyond belief to spend that much on retail therapy.

According to Ms Ong, her four-year-old nephew even ordered multiple pieces of the same product, including 20 hair dryers and 21 Valentine’s flower bouquets.

Perhaps her nephew has 21 girlfriends. We wonder who’s the unfortunate girlfriend who isn’t getting a hair dryer.

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Even if Ms Ong’s four-year-old nephew didn’t shop till he dropped, Ms Ong probably made sure that he “dropped”—the four-year-old had spent no small sum on the items.

The total cost of all the items delivered to her house adds up to $2,000.

In any case, we’re more impressed than horrified. This four-year-old can read Mandarin and navigate Taobao better than most Singaporeans can.

Four-Year-Old Nephew Not Aware that Cart was Checked Out

However, according to Ms Ong, her four-year-old nephew was unaware that he might have checked out her Taobao cart.

I never do, you never do, then who do?

Well, regardless of whether the four-year-old was indeed the culprit, there’s no going back now.

Ms Ong is stuck with mountains of products she doesn’t need, including multiple cordless vacuum cleaners and a few mini washing machines, aside from the aforementioned hair dryers and bouquets.

Ms Ong is currently selling these items at cost price or lower in a bid to clear all the products before her wedding.

Perhaps she could keep one of the bouquets to use as her bouquet on her wedding day.