Romantic Boyfriend Tried To Romantically Carry Girlfriend On A Date & Got Hospitalised

A while back, my lovely girlfriend asked me a startling question:

“Baby, would you ever princess carry me?”

And in response, I was stoic. “No.”

“WHY?!” she asked, looking for all the world like her entire family was just slaughtered by a cat on milk steroids.

I closed my eyes. “Because… you’re my queen, and queens deserve to stand upright and tall, just like you.”

“Kyahhhhh!” she screamed, punching me in the stomach as she pranced around in joy. “You sweet talker, you!”

“No… I’m just stating… a fact,” I breathed, as I clutched my now-defunct solar plexus.

Are you kidding me? If I try to princess carry you I’m going to the hospital in a body bag! Have you ever heard of that Romantic Boyfriend Who Tried To Romantically Carry Girlfriend On A Date & Got Hospitalised?

“Sorry, babe, did you say something?”

“I love you.” I grinned.

Romantic Boyfriend Tried To Romantically Carry Girlfriend On A Date & Got Hospitalised

According to EBC, a man from Wuhan, China decided to bring his girlfriend for a romantic date followed by a dinner on 20 May, to celebrate Chinese Valentine’s Day. And to add that element of surprise to it, the 20-year-old man opted for a Princess Carry.

Yes, this one.


Now, I would just like to clarify; princess carries do not work like how they do in cartoons like Tom & Jerry. 

It’s an act that requires at the very least a substantial amount of upper body strength and reasonable leg strength, and it’s not something that can be performed by everyone.

Yeah, hate to burst your bubble, but then I realised that the hard way when I found out that Santa Claus wasn’t real too. ****

Anyway, while you might’ve discovered that notion in a rather convenient way, the dude above didn’t quite realise it in such a painless manner. Instead, he only discovered how high-tier a Princess Carry truly is, when he severely injured his elbow and had to be rushed to the hospital for treatment.

And no, I’m not making it up.

Dislocated and fractured at the same time

Upon closer inspection, the doctor discovered that the man’s right elbow was dislocated and fractured at the same time.

Image: EBC

And according to the doctor, even though the dislocation has since been fixed, the man will still need to go through surgery as his condition is apparently still quite severe.


Well, I guess that’s one thing the dude won’t be doing again anytime soon.

But here’s the thing

While Princess Carry injury cases are certainly rare in their own right, the aforementioned boyfriend’s case was even rarer considering how most people would sustain injuries in their lower back and not their arms.

Also, the doctor conjectured that the injuries could’ve been caused by the man’s lack of strength or his unfitting posture while heaving the woman. Apparently, the man’s described as being skinny, while the girlfriend was more on the plump side.

Well, I guess I can see the doctor’s point now.


Suffice it to say; the news soon went viral, and Netizens soon got busy tagging their partners (I wonder why).

And while some suggested that the boyfriend start lifting some weights, others called for the girlfriend to diet because apparently, her bodyweight’s the key aspect in deciding whether the Princess Carry’s a success…

Or a classic elbow-breaker.

Image: Gfycat