Latest True S’pore Ghost Stories Out & It Has a Story in Coney Island

90s kids, listen up, your childhood favourite horror stories, the True Singapore Ghost Stories, has come back with a new book in the iconic series.

And according to the author, Russell Lee, it’s the best book so far.

Latest True S’pore Ghost Stories Out & It Has a Story in Coney Island

In a Facebook post on 24 Dec 2020, the mysterious figure behind the True Singapore Ghost Stories took to his Facebook page to announce the launch of his latest book: The 26th book in the True Singapore Ghost Stories series.

And according to him, it’s the “best book so far”.

The books are available at all major bookstores in Singapore and will be available in Malaysian bookstores in 2021.

Brunei bookstores, on the other hand, will receive stock “a little later”, he says.

A sneak peek at the cover of the book revealed that the Pontianak (an iconic feature of his books) will continue to exist in this book.

Other than that, there are also several other notable Singapore locations, including Lavender and Coney Island.

Coney Island was touted as Singapore’s first health resort back in 1951 and, back in 2015, was finally revamped into an island park by the government.

A Comeback After Three Years

The last book in the series, Book 25, was published back in 2017.

For people who are unfamiliar with the books (aka young people), the books supposedly take stories submitted by readers, recounting experiences that are allegedly true.

Even Wikipedia deems it to be non-fiction and in the past, parents frowned upon the books, deeming it unsuitable to be read during the reading period in school.

If every encounter in the book was true, this means that thus far, about 780 spooky paranormal experiences have been shared so far.


No wonder this series was one of the most-loved series back in the 90s when Netflix and YouTube didn’t exist at all.

If you’re a true fan of the True Singapore Ghost Stories series, which one is your favourite so far?

Feature Image: Facebook (Russell Lee)