Scalpers Already Selling Huawei Y6 Pro on Carousell At Up To $180


We should’ve seen it coming.

Earlier today, Huawei dished out some high-quality Y6 Pro model phones for the public, at the heavily discounted price of $54. And as you might’ve expected, Singaporeans turned up in droves, hoping to land their hands on one.

Well, some did.

Amidst all the customer dissatisfaction and accusations of deceptive advertising, some ‘lucky’ customers (who probably queued tens of hours prior) managed to walk away with the killer deal, and guess what they did next?

Sell it for a profit, of course.

Image: Carousell

Hello, my old friend Hello Kitty Melody Holder.

It seems that history’s repeating itself, right before our very eyes.

Scalpers Already Selling Huawei Y6 Pro on Carousell

It might be only 5:20 p.m. (at the time of writing), just six hours after Huawei first opened its stores to hordes of thirsty Singaporeans, but scalpers who managed to sink their paws into a phone have already gotten started.

On Carousell, anyway.

Listing the Y6 model on the buy-trade platform, sellers have jacked up the price by minimal to substantial amounts.



And the incredible thing about it all? They’re still cheaper than the standard retail price.


The Huawei Y6 model was originally marketed at S$198.

Some sellers even listed multiple handsets, which is certainly viable considering how each customer’s entitled to two promotional smartphones.

Small wonder why everyone was in such a fury about it though.


So far, it seems that the most expensive listing is that of $180, while the cheapest appears to be $75. Keep in mind, however, that the price is still open to a bidding war.

To that end, however, one thing’s clear.

Demand is high for the device.


Keen on buying one yourself? Well, you better get going, fast.

A total fiasco

Thus far, this is what Huawei’s entire fiasco has been about:

  • In celebration of NDP, they’re selling their Y6 Pro model for just $54, a hefty discount off its original price of $198.
  • The promotion’s available only to folks above 50.
  • Massive crowds turned up at the various Huawei outlets islandwide.
  • They find out that the stock’s way too limited for a crowd of such proportions.
  • Folks start to riot, kinda.
  • Police had to be called in, for safety purposes.
  • An elderly woman fainted from the turmoil of it all.
  • A Malay lady fans her.
  • Huawei announces another promotional deal, this time for their Mate 20 which will be going for just $568 (originally $998).
  • They then pull the plug on the deal.
  • Carousell scalpers start to sell their killer deals.
  • Buyers attempt to snap them up all the same.

Well, considering how all that occurred in the space of one day…

I would say that if Huawei wanted publicity…

They definitely got it.
