Secondary School Teacher Impregnated His Student & Denied Doing That Before She Was 16

Teachers often take on a parental role in schools, taking care of students, teaching them, and disciplining them.

They can also inspire young learners and provide them with the necessary tools to grow and improve themselves.

However, they can also use their position of authority to abuse and take advantage of their young students.

And here’s one example.

Impregnated underage student

A former secondary school teacher was found guilty of sexual penetration of a minor on Wednesday (July 31).

The 41-year-old man had taught the teenage girl science and physics for all four years of her secondary school education from 2012 to 2015.

In December 2013, when the girl was 13, he began giving the girl private physics tuition at his house on Saturdays with another student. This continued until November 2015.

Two years later, during the school holidays in June, he invited her to his house outside of the tuition sessions. They would talk and he would play her songs he had composed.

Later that year, he told the 15-year-old that he liked her and she agreed to be in a relationship with him.

He grew bolder and they soon became physically intimate. He kissed and hugged her, and even rubbed his private parts on hers while they were clothed.

Then, on Aug 10 that year, he had penetrative sex with her for the first time.

Their sexual relationship continued until September or October the following year when the teenage girl entered polytechnic.

However, just a few weeks later, she discovered that she was 16 weeks’ pregnant. She lodged a police report the following month after telling her family.


When questioned, the man admitted to initiating the relationship but denied engaging in any penetrative sexual activity with her before her 16th birthday.

He claimed that their physical intimacy was restricted to kissing, touching, and rubbing each other with only their underwear on.

The former teacher said he had only started having sexual intercourse with her in December 2015 after she turned 16.

Contrary evidence

However, certain WhatsApp messages between the two contradicted his statements.

In one, he described their acts as “deeper penetration”. In another, he wrote that “there is a sense of when to get it out” in response to the girl’s fears about getting pregnant.


Despite the former teacher sticking to his story, District Judge Chay Yuen Fatt said he accepted the testimony of the victim because it was supported by the text messages she exchanged with the man.

The man was found guilty of sexual penetration of a minor and will return to court on Aug 29 for mitigation and sentencing.

The young victim is now 19 years old and has a two-year-old child fathered by the man.

A cautionary tale

Many parents feel that their young ones are safe in the hands of teachers and principals, but it’s important to remember that these teachers may take advantage of their position to prey on young students.

Children and teenagers are especially vulnerable and impressionable, and can easily fall prey to sexual predators.

Don’t be fooled by smiles and geniality. It’s always better to be extra cautious. Young students should never be left alone with their teachers, tuition teachers, or any adult outside the family.

Please, stay vigilant.