S.H.E Selina Shares Nerve-wrecking Experience of Her Plane Getting Struck By Lightning

You may know Selina Jen from her days as a member of the Taiwanese girl group S.H.E, representing the letter “S”.

But did you also know that she has since expanded her entertainment footprint to podcasts? On the prominent streaming app, Spotify, no less.

If you didn’t know, then you’re in for a treat to hear more details about the Taiwanese entertainer, including what she gets up to in her personal time.

In the latest episode of her podcast, named Yin Ren Er Jie (Hanyu pinyin), Selina shares more about her recent personal holiday to Bangkok, which came with a close shave.

Here is what she shared.

Selina Went to Bangkok for a Personal Trip

On 22 May, Selina released a new episode on her podcast channel Yin Ren Er Jie (which is a wordplay on Selina’s Chinese name, Ren Jia Xuan), chatting about her daily life.

One of the topics she mentioned was her trip to Bangkok. She visited the popular tourist destination in April and had the trip planned since February.

The podcast began on a casual and chill note, where Selina was joking that one of her friends from Hong Kong asked if there was a need to hire a bodyguard to protect the “world star” while she was on vacation.

Selina declined the suggestion, saying that Bangkok was relatively safe, and she did not see the need to have bodyguards who carried guns protecting them as they travelled.

The girl group member also chatted about seizing the opportunity to travel before she welcomed her child into this world and lost her freedom (based on the anecdotes her friends who were parents shared).

Selina Reveals the Close Shave With Death on Her Flight to Bangkok

While tuning in to this light-hearted podcast, listeners might not expect to hear how Selina had a close shave with death on her way to Bangkok.

In the podcast and speaking in Chinese, Selina mentioned that there was a period of time when the plane she was in started to shake violently due to turbulence.

According to Selina, she had expected turbulence, given that it is a common occurrence when the plane travels through a layer of clouds. But she also expected the calm after the storm to arrive once the plane broke through that layer and started to cruise above the clouds.

However, there was no breaking through the storm on that plane ride. Selina shared that the plane was constantly stuck in turbulent conditions. She even looked out of the window (as she had been sitting in the window seat) but could not see the calm layer of clouds which she had expected to see.

As a result, Selina felt very anxious throughout the whole situation.

Thankfully, her love interest, who Selina affectionally calls Little Xu (Hanyu pinyin), was there for her throughout this ordeal.

During the podcast, Selina shared that Little Xu was actually sitting in front of her instead of next to her as she wanted to enjoy her own space during the flight. The seat arrangement on the flight had the options of 2 seats and one seat in a row.

This did not prevent him from constantly paying attention to Selina and being sensitive towards her. While Selina was feeling nervous about the strong turbulence, Little Xu stretched his hand backwards towards her as a form of comfort.

How sweet.

Selina laughing, shared that she quickly grabbed his hand and waited for the turbulence to stop. When things eased up, she would let go of his hand only for him to stretch his hand out again for her to hold on to when the turbulence started again.

At this point in the podcast, the co-hosts chatting with Selina expressed their envy for her beau’s “romantic gesture”. Indeed, this story warms our hearts.

Unfortunately, things were about to get worse for Selina. Just as she was starting to feel better about the turbulence (with the help of her boyfriend), she saw a quick flash of light outside the window. The flash was so fast that Selina doubted what she saw. She thought it was a trick of light or something wrong with her eyes.

Then, a second flash of light appeared.

Selina suspected that what she saw was lightning, but she could not confirm it, given that she did not hear any thunder.

It was only later that night when Selina was scrolling through news articles that her suspicions were confirmed. There were indeed several articles reporting that lightning struck several planes travelling to Bangkok. Her plane was one of those named to be “under attack” by lightning strikes.

Good thing that she arrived at her destination safely. Can you imagine what would have happened if the lightning strike caused the plane’s engines to fail?

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Selina Got a Shock After Learning the News

Selina continued her anecdote by sharing that she was very much surprised by the news of the lightning striking several planes and quickly called her family and friends to report that she had arrived in Bangkok safely.

She was worried that they would have seen the news and worried about her safety.

That is quite reasonable, given that Selina is currently expecting a baby boy—two and not just one life at stake.

Finally, Selina wraps up her story by emphasising how thankful she was that everyone was safe and that nothing major happened.

She then continued to talk about her travels to Bangkok, including how she arrived at her hotel and her criteria for choosing a hotel for her travels.

Selina Shares More About Her Love for Thai Food

After concluding her harrowing tale, Selina pivots to a more cheerful note—her love for Thai food. Selina repeatedly declares that she is a massive fan of Thai food as it is predominantly sour and spicy, both of which are flavour profiles she currently favours (which could be attributed to her pregnancy).

In particular, Selina raves about the green curry that she tried there. She fell in love with the spicy green curry she had and said that she loved it so much that she made it a point to order green curry at every restaurant they ate at.

Eating green curry in Bangkok was also not enough for Selina. She also went to the supermarket to buy pre-made green curry paste, which she could bring back to Taiwan to cook with vegetables.

We’re sure that the Thai fans of Selina must be over the moon to know that their idol loves their local food this much.

Apart from green curry, Selina also mentioned that she loved the durians in Bangkok. She had various tasty durian biscuits while on her vacation that she enjoyed immensely.

Unfortunately, she could not buy the durian biscuits back as the hotel had a strict no-durian policy. According to her, the hotel staff would stop guests in their tracks the moment they smelled a whiff of durian in the lobby.

Describing one of her favourite durian snacks from Bangkok, Selina gave her listeners a tantalising peek into what her tastebuds love. The durian snack was dried durian flesh, the sweetness of which was counterbalanced by a light sprinkling of salt.

Perhaps Selina is a fan of dipping fries in ice cream. It has that same sweet-and-salty combination which people find either extremely addictive or very off-putting.

During her trip, Selina also went on a food hunt. She dined at Michelin-star restaurants, including a restaurant which specialised in egg and crab. According to her, a grand sight of crab meat greeted them once they cut open the outer layer made of eggs.

Our mouths are watering already.

She also dropped nuggets of gold for the foodies out there, generously sharing the names of restaurants she enjoyed dining at. However, she cautions that visiting some of the restaurants may mean additional travel time since some of them are located in inconvenient places, which makes it hard to find transport after you have filled your belly.

For fans of S.H.E or just Selina, you may want to continue listening to her podcast to hear more about her travels and her beau, such as what her boyfriend, Little Xu, thought about Bangkok. What better chance is there to get to know your idol better?