From 17 Oct, You’ll Need to Make an Advance Booking Before Heading to Any Sentosa Beach During Peak Hours

Many aspects of life have changed during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Offering to shake someone’s hand nowadays will lead to horrified looks and gasps as if you just offered them a cup of cyanide.

Washing your hands after going to the bathroom is now strongly advised, whereas it was perfectly fine not to do so before the coronavirus emerged.

Reader: Uh that’s not really tru-

Now, visiting a beach in Sentosa may not be as easy as it used to be.

From 17 Oct, You’ll Need to Make an Advance Booking Before Heading to Any Sentosa Beach During Peak Hours

Planning to head to a beach in Sentosa? Remember to make a booking in advance first.

This is what beachgoers will have to do from 17 Oct, during the peak periods of weekends and public holidays.

Visitors of Tanjong, Palawan, and Siloso beach will have to book their entry in a new system that will be trialled for three months, according to ST.

This new procedure was introduced to improve safety for beachgoers, as large crowds have been observed at these sites during peak periods.

Booking Process

The three beaches have been segmented into a total of seven zones, each with a capacity limit of 100 to 350.

Image: Sentosa
Image: Sentosa
Image: Sentosa

Guests will be able to choose from two time slots –  morning (8am to 1pm), or afternoon (2pm to 7pm).

You’ll only be able to book up to five people per group, of course, and will be designated a specific beach zone and time slot.

On the day of your visit, all you have to do is to present your confirmation email at the beach entry kiosk of your selected zone.

Just like at a concert, you’ll then be issued a wristband and will be allowed to access your beach zone at any point during the reserved time slot.

Guests can book their entry up to seven days in advance on Sentosa’s official site.

Bookings are, however, subject to capacity limits.

Guests who want to play court-based games such as volleyball will also have to book the courts in advance on the same site.

According to ST, Sentosa will begin accepting bookings from 10 Oct, for visits on 17 Oct.

Only For Weekends

Once there, groups should stay within their zone and maintain a safe distance of at least 1m from other guests.

Safety rings have been placed around the three beaches, showing where small groups can gather.

This is to avoid intermingling with other groups, something residents seem to love doing.

Fortunately, if you want to visit these beaches on weekdays, you won’t need to make any bookings in advance.

Let’s hope that things will return to normal one day and that we’ll be able to visit Sentosa beaches without advance bookings and use the bathroom without washing our hands.

Reader: Do you really not wash your hands after using the bathroom?

Some things are better left unknown, dear reader.

Read Also: New Rule: Groups Of More Than 5 In Restaurants Will Be Fined Even If They’re Not Seated Together