Man Charged After Having Sex with 14YO Girl & Sending Her Obscene Videos to Her Schoolmate

It takes a special kind of man to sexually exploit a 14-year-old girl.

It takes an even more special kind of person to sexually exploit a 14-year-old girl, then sends obscene videos of her to her schoolmate for them to share around.

Yet the second situation really happened here in Singapore.

Man Charged After Having Sex with 14YO Girl & Sending Her Obscene Videos to Her Schoolmate

On Dec 2019, Dylan Tan, now 21 years old, got to know a 14-year-old girl through social media.

He knew that she was only 14 years old but asked her to be his girlfriend, to which she agreed to.

One or two days after they “got together”, he sent her nude photos of himself and requested for her to send hers “to be fair”.

Initially, she refused but gave in to his repeated requests and sent her nude photos and videos to him.

Within the same month, the couple had also gone to Tan’s home where he took her virginity during unprotected sex.

Then, they broke up.

Obscene Video Circulating In School

On 3 Jan, the girl was horrified to discover that an obscene video of her was circulating in school.

Feeling “stupid” and unconfident, the girl had reportedly refused to leave her classroom during recess.

Turns out, her former boyfriend had contacted a schoolmate of hers, claiming that his former girlfriend had badmouthed her.

He then proceeded to send the schoolmate obscene videos and photos of his former girlfriend.

The schoolmate proceeded to share some of the files to another schoolmate, and it spread from there.


After the incident, the girl started distancing herself from others.

She had also started suffering from nightmares, according to court documents.

She also became depressed and told the school counsellor. It was made known that the discipline master was also informed.

The victim was advised to lodge a police report, which she eventually did on 6 Jan 2020.

What’s Next?

According to Tan, he had broken up with the girl because she was “not independent” enough and had kept texting him while he was playing games.

On 20 Nov, Tan pleaded guilty to one charge of having sex with a minor and one charge of sexually exploiting her.

The court had called for a report to assess Tan’s suitability to be sentenced to probation.

His sentencing will be on 10 Dec 2020 and his mother, according to his defence lawyer, will not bail him out because she wants to “teach him a lesson”.

An offender who has sex with a minor can be jailed up to 10 years and fined.

Featured Image: KATTY ELIZAROVA /