S’pore Ramping Up Its COVID-19 Vaccination Programme & Target to Give More Than 70,000 Jabs a Day

The fear of COVID-19 is always prevalent. In a way, we are blessed to be living in Singapore because our gahmen is ready to take the virus by its bullhorns and make sure it doesn’t infect people.

They’ve announced that they’re going to the distribution of the vaccine to full swing, here’s how it’s going to be done:

  • Putting up 36 vaccination centres beginning this February, with the help of a vendor. Every centre will be able to cope with vaccinating at least 2k people per day
  • Mobile teams will be created to help vaccinate in mass numbers, including places like sports halls, nursing homes and vacant schools. There should be about 10 of these mobile teams.
  • Every mobile vaccination team will operate from 8am to 6pm every day. The staff force will be made up of one doctor, three admin staff and also four nurses.
  • You can also get vaccinated at GP clinics and polyclinics.
  • You won’t be able to choose the vaccine you want to take, but you will at least be informed on which vaccine is being administered to you.

That would reportedly deliver over 70,000 doses daily across the whole Singapore. Quick maths: if 5.5 million people in Singapore take the shots, it would take 80 days to vaccinate them all.

It’s truly timely that we are getting these vaccines out in full swing soon.

There are now also two local clusters for the first time in many moons. The first was traced back to a police para-veterinarian. Thankfully, his job usually involves him dealing with dog handlers via tele-consultations.

25 dogs were also tested for the virus; all came out with negative results for COVID-19.

Singapore’s nation’s aim for 2021 as far as coronavirus is concerned is to fulfil all vaccinations. Unless there’s an unaccounted-for interruption in the supply of vaccines, MOH wants to complete vaccinations for every Singaporean and also long-term resident by Sept 2021.

To date, 6,200 people have gotten their first Covid-19 jab. There’s a need for 2 jabs with a 21-day break in between them for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Sinovac from China and America’s Moderna is expected to come in a few months.

So, you ready to get jabbed or not?

Featured Image: Miriam Doerr Martin Frommherz / Shutterstock.com