S’pore Flag Should Be Taken Down Before 30 Sept or You Might Be Fined $1,000

Earlier this year, we were told that we could hang the Singapore flag earlier than usual, which methinks is a better way to show support than to clap at an imaginary balcony.

On a usual year, people can hang the flag from 1 July to 30 Sept during the usual period of National Day celebrations.

This year, we were allowed to hang the flag since 25 April 2020 “for us to work together and stand resilient in the face of a crisis like this.”

And back then, the rules were clearcut: the flags can be displayed from 25 April to 30 Sept 2020.

In a few days’ time, it’ll be 30 September 2020, which means according to the Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem Rules, you could potentially be fined up to $1,000 for displaying it outside of the permissible period.

Image: Tenor

So go and check if your family has displayed the flag because it’s been so long, we might have forgotten about it, just like how we’ve forgotten the pains during Circuit Breaker.

However, it should be noted that so far, there has been no reported case of people being fined for displaying the flag after the permissible period.

What Happened on 25 April 2020

Lest you’ve moved the painful memories of the Circuit Breaker period into a dark corner of your mind, let me remind you what happened on that dark, dark day.

April saw us seeing three- to four-digit daily cases. A few days before 25 April, we were also told that the Circuit Breaker would be extending. Malaysia has repeatedly extended its MCO too, while the cases in the US continued to increase. Back then, we thought COVID-19 might last till 2050, and some of us have resorted to praying for aliens to land on Yishun to save us all.

And now, in September, places are opening up and we’re going to move towards Phase 3.

It might have been the flags and the clapping that saved us all.

Read Also: Everything About Phase 3, The Forgotten Phase That Might Be Coming Soon