Snake Spirit Boy shows off his BFFs and it’s creepier than True S’pore Ghost Stories


Last Updated on 2017-05-21 , 1:28 pm

Do you still remember Snake Spirit Boy? If not, here’s a recap: Everything you need to know about the Snake Spirit Boy in 60 sec.

One thing that is certain is that he hates us Singaporeans: when he was in Singapore two months ago, the first thing he posted in Facebook is this: ““最讨厌这没水准的地方(I hate this low-class place)”


Anyway, this talk of the Internet has just given the Internet another field day: in his latest Facebook post, he uploaded images of his minions friends and him, and we can’t help but to feel our hair standing. Just take a look.

Snake1 Spotted anything wrong? He put this in his description: “不求同年同月同日生 但求同眼同鼻同医生”. It means it doesn’t matter whether they’re born in the same way, but what matters most is to have the same eye / nose doctor.

Wait, did he once mention that he’s all natural? We’re not against plastic surgery, but seriously speaking, how else can we interpret what he posted? Here’re the rest of the images. If you can’t even read two pages of True Singapore Ghost Stories, I’ll suggest you not viewing them.




Sometimes, I really wonder whether it’s a real person or not.

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*All images from 刘梓晨的唯一私人小号 Facebook Page