Soon, pasar malam might be just a history in S’pore. You must know this now

Last Updated on 2017-05-27 , 4:09 pm

Pasar Malam is basically a night market where you can find cheap clothes, food and games.

Every Singaporean would have experienced going to the pasar malam at least once in their life. Especially when we were younger and we would drop by these night markets to play childhood games, while munching on a stick of fishballs. Plus they used to be everywhere and finding one was easy as abc.

I, for one, especially loved going there to eat, as the food is super affordable and the huge variety to choose from. These days, it’s getting more difficult to chance upon a pasar malam. And if you’re a lover of our dear night markets as well, you’ll be devastated to know that it may become extinct in the near future.

With new shopping malls being built, pasar malam are soon taking a backseat. In places where night markets used to be held, the plots of lands are slowly being transformed into malls or under construction.

The venues for these pasar malam are slowly becoming more limited, and have since been reduced by about 30 percent. Also, with higher bidding prices by contractors will result in a higher rental of the stalls.

A former vendor said that the jump in staff rental made him quit renting pasar malam stalls, as it becomes not worth the price. Years back, a stall with three tables would cost $80-$100, but today, it cost about $150-$200.

It’s no longer as easy to make profit with the high rental and lack of manpower. Usually, the elderly are the ones manning the stalls and it’s not as easy as it may seem. It takes an entire day to prepare the food and cook them. And a day for them can be as long as 10am to midnight.

These long hours can take a toll on them as pasar malam stretches over a few days or even a week. And if you think finding help is easy, you’re wrong. These days, most people tend to look for jobs that are high paying and require little to no physically demanding tasks.

Not many people are willing to work from 10am to midnight with no air-con at a physically demanding position. Especially when there are so many event jobs that has similar pay, but is so much less taxing on the body.

With all these in mind, one can expect pasar malams to slowly leave the scene, and soon it may very well disappear all together.Do you want pasar malams to continue going on in Singapore? We sure hope it would. Share this post and let us know!

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