South Korea Now Confirmed They’re Now in the Second Wave of COVID-19 Infections

Now, that Singapore has entered Phase Two a mere two weeks since entering Phase One, the question on everyone’s minds is:

will we be okay?

Reader Bao: Even them?

Well, okay, not on everybody’s minds; maybe just the reasonable ones.

After all, we’ve heard about Hokkaido, which successfully suppressed Covid-19, only to enter lockdown straightaway after they opened up too fast, too furious.

Well, there’s a reason why the government’s so reluctant to pass through the various phases set ahead of Singapore.

To understand that, we have to take a plane (virtually) and fly all the way over to South Korea, the land of Kimchi and beautiful oppas.

South Korea Now Confirmed They’re Now in the Second Wave of COVID-19 Infections

On 22 June 2020, BBC reports that health officials in South Korea believe that the country is now in the second wave of Covid-19 infections.

It was reported that over the past 24 hours (Monday), 17 new infections were detected from different Covid-19 clusters at warehouses and large offices.

Reader Bao: Huh? 17 only? How is it a second wave?

Here’s Why They Believed So

Jung Eun-kyeong, the head of Korea Center For Diseases Control (KCDC) said that the first Covid-19 wave in South Korea lasted until Apr 2020.

Then, the number of new infections dropped from “nearly a thousand” to “zero” for three days in a row.

But since May 2020, more clusters of Covid-19, including outbreaks at nightclubs in Seoul, started popping up.

Also, KCDC is starting to see the beginning of a wave of infections in the greater Seoul area, which has seen lesser infections during the first wave, since the holiday weekend in early May.

Socially Irresponsible People

South Korea is a success story when it comes to dealing with Covid-19.

While they did not exactly enter a ‘lockdown’, they complement “voluntary social distancing” with aggressive contact tracing to contain the coronavirus.

So why did Covid-19 pop up again, causing schools to close down a few days after reopening?

Well, it could’ve been due to socially irresponsible people in the country.

When South Korea schools have to be closed, it was revealed that in Bucheon, at one of the warehouses operated by the country’s e-commerce company, safe distancing measures were not observed strictly.

This led to many people at the warehouse getting infected, which brings home the virus and transfer it to their family members, who go out and transfer- well, you get the idea.

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But there’s more.

The Itaewon bustling night scene has also seen many Covid-19 infections, and it’s mostly because of people like these:

The man had travelled out of his hometown in Yongin city with three friends. The 29-year-old had been to Gapyeong, Chuncheon and Hongcheon, but it was his visit to Itaewon in Seoul that would have serious repercussions.

He and one of his friends were in a total of five different nightclubs on one day: 1 May 2020.

Now, before you call him a Patient 31, hold your horses—the man didn’t know he was infected, and he wasn’t even a suspect.

Sounds Familiar?

If all of these sounds familiar, that’s because Singapore has seen similar situations.

The Phase Two night scene

The uncooperative workplaces

And crowds

If we’re not careful, we might just go back into Phase One (or worse, CB); just like what has happened to two different places so far.

And that is something I’m sure everyone in Singapore doesn’t want to happen.

So let’s all sit back, relax and follow the authorities’ safe distancing measures.

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