South Korean DJ Soda Allegedly Threatened When Performing in S’pore & Had To End Performance Early

If you’ve been to Siloso Beach for the Skechers’ Sundown Festival event (which took place from 19 April to 21 April), you might’ve noticed something rather peculiar:

A DJ’s performance was cut off, even though her play time was far from over.

Image: Steam Community

What happened, you wonder. Well, as it turns out, the South Korean DJ, whose real name is Hwang So-hee, was actually forced to cut her performance short, all because of a singular, alleged…


Image: DJ SODA Facebook Page

Facebook apology

On 20 April, the popular DJ detailed her experience on Facebook and apologised to fans for leaving the stage early.

Image: DJ Soda Facebook Page


It’s been three years since I’ve been to the beautiful country of Singapore. I went in so happy and positive because I was so happy to finally greet my fans in such a long time. 

However, the quality of the equipment was poor and the next DJ’s manager came in during my play time and threatened me to leave during my performance.

He came and threatened the event staffs and used violence while I was performing!

I was so scared, so decided what could I do for my fans and I jumped off the stage to hold the hands of my fans and just end my show.

I am so sorry and I thanks all of my fans and supporters. 

For your convenience, here’s a rough breakdown of what happened.

Mid-performance at the Skechers’ Sundown Festival on Siloso Beach, DJ Soda and the event staff had allegedly been threatened by the “next DJ’s manager”.

She also expressed that the manager had used “violence”.

Image: DJ SODA Facebook Page


According to the following poster from the event, the next DJ performing would have been Dutch-Filipino DJ Laidback Luke.

Image: Sundown Festival Facebook via Mothership.SG

Subsequently, Laidback Luke took to Twitter in an attempt to clear the air.

“She spoke in Korean so I didn’t understand. It’s crazy, I actually had a good talk with her manager on stage. I’m very sad my tour manager made her feel that way! My apologies!” he said on Twitter.

But with all things considered, it seems that the damage’s done.

Add the fact that “the quality of the equipment was poor”, and you can be sure of one thing: it was surely one night DJ Soda will not be keen on reminiscing anytime soon.

Netizens are understanding

Nevertheless, Netizens have expressed their support for the deejay.

Image: DJ Soda Facebook Page
Image: DJ Soda Facebook Page

Which resonates as a real pity, considering how hyper Soda was about it all.

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But hey, as they say, shit happens. And so we can only hope that the next time DJ Soda comes around…

Things will be better.