Sovereign Who’s Charged Today Said Some Weird Things in Court Again; Remanded in IMH Till 19 May

So you think saying “I’m not a person” or “I am a sovereign” is weird.

Well, think again, because the self-proclaimed Sovereign said more weird things in court today.

Sovereign Who’s Charged Today Said Some Weird Things in Court Again

Ms Sovereign, whose real name is Paramjeet Kaur, appeared in court today via videoconferencing from the Central Police Division headquarters.

She is being charged for three charges:

  • Leaving her house to eat in front of a food stall on 14 April
  • Not wearing a mask in public on 30 April and 3 May (the day of the incident that has gone viral)
  • Creating a scene on 3 May

The charge of assault wasn’t mentioned today.

And unlike any person who went to court and just let his or her lawyer speak, she has to say this to the court: “I would just like to say something. I am a living woman and that is my only capacity in this matter. I extend my sovereign immunity to Satwant (her lawyer) and I asked Satwant to represent me.”

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By the way, it is her mother who had engaged the lawyer for her.

It’s revealed that she didn’t just claim that she wasn’t a person; instead, she wanted to be “referred to as thou, thy, thee.”

“Thou” means you, “thy” means your and “thee” means you as well.

But of course, unless you’re William Shakespeare or you’ve just time-travelled to 2020 from the 14th century (and went back again because 2020 sucks), you’d not use these words.

Lest you didn’t know, languages would change and evolve through the years; you can watch this video on how Singlish came about after it was evolved from many different languages coming together:

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So, does this mean that she might have some mental illness?

The judge eventually ordered her to be remanded at Institute of Mental Health (IMH) and she would return to court on 19 May 2020.

However, it should be noted that she does not have any known history at IMH.

In fact, Lianhe Wanbao did some CSI and found out that she works as a physiotherapist, and has lived in Australia for 20 years before returning to Singapore.

And here’s something interesting: While it’s rare, or almost non-existent, for anyone to declare himself or herself as a sovereign here in Singapore, there have been some cases of sovereign citizens in Australia.

Lest you’re not aware, a sovereign citizen is someone who doesn’t see himself answerable to the laws made by the authorities.