SPF Claims New Opposition Party’s Postponement of Event Isn’t Due to Their Delay of Permit

It doesn’t matter whether you’re apolitical or you’re someone who can name all the MPs in Singapore; you should have heard about Tan Cheng Bock, the ex-presidential hopeful who’s now starting a new political party called Progress Singapore Party.

The veteran politician, who used to be a popular PAP MP, has joined the opposition after his new party was officially registered in April, with his logo being approved on the same month.

And no, that’s not a Huawei logo.

Late last month, the 79-year-old then posted an update, informing his supporters that they’re going to officially launch the party on 15 June 2019 in Singapore Expo 5, “pending approval from the Police”.

But yesterday morning (3 June 2019), he announced that the launch date has been postponed “as the Police Permit for the event and other related permits such as the Public Entertainment Licence are still pending.”

No doubt that has people speculating on why the permit took “so long” to be approved.

And so, SPF has responded.

Late Submission Leads to Delay

If there’s one thing we all know about Singapore, it’s this: everything takes “three working days”, but within that three working days, you can be certain that things are done.

According to the SPF, they’ve been proactively engaging the party after the party applied for the permit.

Progress Singapore Party chairman Wang Swee Chuang had applied for a police permit on 3 May 2019, and the police had requested for more information. The police then followed up with him on 7 May 2019 (like, three working days later).

The police added, “As PSP wanted to play recorded music and screen a video/film, Mr Wang was advised to apply for a Public Entertainment Licence (PEL), and submit the video/film to IMDA (Info-communications Media Development Authority) for classification…This is a standard requirement for all public screenings of videos/films.”

They then reminded PSP again on 27 May 2019, as it usually takes 12 working days to approve for PEL.

“Nevertheless, to assist PSP, IMDA contacted Mr Wang, via phone and email, on 29 May, to advise him to submit the film for classification,” the police said. “IMDA also shared with him the submission process so that the film can be classified in time for the launch of the PSP. To-date, PSP has not done so.”

In other words, the police have been trying to get info and assist “with the intention of facilitating their approval before the planned event date.”

Moral of the story?

Don’t wait till the last minute. Book your IPPT early.