SPF Officer Who Assaulted Two Women Sexually In Interview Room Demoted & Fired

When you’re being attacked by deranged maniacs, who you gonna call?

The Men in Blue!

Image: Must Share News

When you see someone enjoying an alcoholic drink a little too much after 10.30pm, who you gonna call? 

The Men in Blue!

When you’re trying to sleep and the couple next door is being too noisy, who ya gonna ca-

Reader: Aiyah we get it already lah, you’ll call the police. What about the police?

I guess my Ghostbusters reference didn’t go down too well. You see, the point I was trying to make is that we turn to the police when we’re in danger and need help. So, when they misuse that authority to abuse us, who do we turn to?

SPF Officer Who Assaulted Two Women Sexually In Interview Room Demoted & Fired

A senior police investigator who molested one suspected sex worker and got another to perform sex acts on him in a police interview room has been demoted and dismissed.

In November last year, Lee Sze Chiat was jailed for a year and given one stroke of the cane for his sexual assault.

The 39-year-old was a senior staff sergeant with 17 years’ experience.

What happened

On 6 Dec, 2017,  Lee volunteered to help with a case after learning of the arrests of two women from China who were suspected to be sex workers.

The women, aged 28 and 29, were held at Jurong Police Divisional Headquarters.

Image: Google Maps

According to The New Paper, Lee interrogated the woman one at a time in the interview room alone.

It’s here that he sexually assaulted the women.

He first molested the 28-year-old woman over her T-shirt while her hands were cuffed and made her massage him. He also asked her for “services” but she refused.

Then, when he was interviewing the 29-year-old, he got her to perform sex acts on him while her hands were also cuffed.

Lodged police report

The first victim later lodged a police report against Lee and his offences came to light.

He was interdicted from service a few weeks after the sexual assault, and the Singapore Police Force (SPF) commenced disciplinary proceedings against him after his conviction in November last year.

Lee was demoted to the rank of police constable and dismissed from the SPF effective 21 Dec, 2019. He joined the force in 2002.

A spokesman for the police told TNP that the SPF takes a zero-tolerance approach to officers who break the law.

She added this was an isolated case that does not represent the professional and disciplined conduct of other SPF officers.

I sure hope so. 

As the prosecutors point out, Lee’s sexual assault was especially abominable because he had exploited vulnerable victims under his charge.

One wonders why these cases of sexual assault and outrage of modesty continue to rise. Is one year in jail really enough for the lifetime of trauma that these women have to go through?

Maybe we need stronger punishments for these sexual deviants; if explaining to them how traumatising sexual assault is doesn’t deter them, maybe the threat of a lengthy jail term will.