Spicy Foods Lead to Hospitalisation for Malaysian Lady

Last Updated on 2020-03-07 , 11:08 pm

As a person who loves to add chilli to basically almost everything she eats, I honestly can’t imagine my life without spicy food.

There is just an unexplainable pleasure in eating stuff that makes you feel like your mouth is on fire, and your head is about to explode any minute. Not to mention the fact that it tastes amazing.

The only downside seems to be that it often could result in this the next day:

Image: Giphy

But unfortunately, that’s not all.

One fellow spicy food lover had to learn that the hard way, when she ended up being hospitalised over consuming too much spicy food.

Lady Thought She Was “Going To Die” After Eating Too Much Spicy Food

A Malaysian lady, known as Ummi Nadia on Facebook, shared how she faced gastric problems and breathing difficulties after eating too much spicy food.

It got so bad to the point where she thought that she was going to die.

Image: Facebook (Ummi Nadia)

She suffered from breathing difficulties for three days in a row, and it always hit her in the mornings from 2am to 4am. She described it as a severe attack of heartburn and gastric issues.

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“I couldn’t breathe well and felt like dying. Three days ago I puked more than 10 times and two days before, my limbs were shaking badly. I thought I was going to die and told my husband I felt like I was dying,” she said.

She Had To Be Hospitalised

Her husband brought her to the hospital upon seeing that she was suffering really badly. Before that, she had gone to the clinic and also tried several over-the-counter remedies for heartburn and gastric problems, but none of them seemed to help.

The doctors conducted an endoscopy and ultrasound before they were able to diagnose her with hiatal hernia, which is a condition where the upper part of your stomach pushes up through your diaphragm and into your chest area because of weakened tissue.

Image: Facebook (Ummi Nadia)

By then, the valve between her oesophagus and stomach had already weakened and this could end up leading to Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD) as well.

The weakened valve allowed her stomach to move up to her chest area easily, which led to the symptoms she experienced such as heartburn, chest pain, and breathing difficulties.

Image: Facebook (Ummi Nadia)

Went On A Two-Week Spicy Food Binge

Nadia explained that she had been controlling her food intake before this, but had spent the last two weeks on a spicy food binge, eating food like asam pedas, tempoyak, sambal belacan and black pepper.

Why do the things that taste so good always end up being bad for you?

Image: Giphy

She wanted to share what happened to her so that she could raise awareness about the risks of eating too much spicy food. She also talked about the different factors that could make people vulnerable to this condition:

  • Overeating
  • Not eating on time
  • Eating and immediately laying down to sleep
  • Eating a lot of spicy food
  • Being constantly stressed

Nadia also advised others to control their diets, so that they wouldn’t have to end up suffering like her.