S’pore Dentist Reported for Medisave Fraud by ‘Fraudster’: 6 Topics S’poreans Talked About Today (26 Apr)

When you serve NS, you’ll be thinking, what a waste of two years. You learn nothing that can be used in real life because it’s all trees, fire movement and capturing enemy territory.

You’d rather go into Singapore Police Force or the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF).

But this latest news is going to change your mind.

Before that, let’s look at how a Medisave fraud is uncovered – and it’s almost like a scene from a movie.

Dentist Suspended For A Year For Medisave Fraud, But What’s Interesting Is How He Got Discovered

We’re not really surprised to hear about Medisave frauds, even from medical personnel. They’re only humans, after all.

But what is really interesting about this case is how he got discovered.

On 25 Apr, it was reported that Dr Steven Ang Kiam Hau was suspended for a year by the Singapore Dental Council (SDC).

Back in the year 2014, a woman went to Smile Division @ Orchard, where Dr Steven Ang was practising at.

He had recommended four implants for her which would cost $22,100.

Her Medisave was not able to cover the bill so she asked if he could make more claims against her husband’s Medisave account instead.

He agreed.

But two months later, she changed her mind about the implant and he returned the money to her in cash.

Then she reported him.

Image: gifsec.com

Yup, she reported him to the SDC in Dec 2014.

Dr Ang claimed that he had done 11 implants on her and 11 on her husband between the period of 15 Aug to 30 Sep 2014.

And he just wanted to help her.

But an audit of his practice didn’t reveal any medical documentation about the procedures.

At the end of the day, his “good deed” excuse didn’t fly and he was suspended for 12 months and slapped with a $25,000 fine.

Plus, he has another case going on, a fraud case with the Central Provident Fund (CPF).

Your takeaway for the day: don’t be too kind. You don’t know when you’re going to be played out. Everything do by the books, it’s safer.

App Exclusive: Yishun Park Hawker Centre Has Been Suffering Since Its Grand Opening Last Sept

Remember the Yishun Park Hawker Centre that’s so high-tech, you’ll think you’re in a NASA spaceship? Well, because it’s so high-tech, it has backfired instead.

Read about it in our app now (this is an app-exclusive content so you can’t read it in our website or Facebook)! Here’s how our app looks like:

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SAF Medics Stopped To Help Injured At Accident Scene in Mandai

Image: straitstimes.com

A Straits Times report stated that army medics stopped to help wounded civilians in a traffic accident on 25 Apr.

The incident happened at around 6.40 am along Mandai Avenue. A van carrying school children crashed into a lamppost.

The glass on the van shattered, cutting the occupants within the van and the lamp fell onto the road, obstructing traffic flow.

A convoy of vehicles carrying army medics going for an outfield exercise stopped to help when they saw the crying children and driver sitting at the roadside.

ME2 Muhammad Zulhilmi led a group of instructors and trainees to remove the lamppost and clear congested traffic in the area.

This allowed ambulances to reach the accident site quickly.

ME3 Ng Jaan Woei and 3SG Tay Yong Xi Delwin attended to the injured children.

They were passed over to the SCDF paramedics after they appeared on the site.

SCDF said that three casualties were taken to KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital while two were sent to Khoo Teck Puat Hospital in a conscious state.

Inuka, S’pore’s Last Polar Bear Finally Put to Sleep

Singapore’s fourth and last polar bear, Inuka, was put to sleep on Wednesday, 27 Apr 2018.

His last moments on earth was spent surrounded by past and present caregivers.

A final checkup performed on him showed that his health was declining despite efforts to treat him.

Image: channelnewsasia.com

For the past 5 years, he had been suffering from age-related illnesses like arthritis, dental issues and occasional ear infections.

On 3 Apr, the Wildlife Reserves of Singapore (WRS) conducted a health check on Inuka. They found that his condition had worsened.

His legs could no longer support him so he had to drag them along as he walked. This led to ulcers on his paw pad and infection between his toes.

His lower abdomen also had a wound. WRS said could be due to “urinary incontinence and recurring urinary tract infections”.

Image: channelnewsasia.com

WRS said a final memorial will be held for the beloved bear on Thursday. After which, an autopsy will be carried out on his body and several parts kept for educational purposes.

His home will be taken over by sea lions.

WRS stated that they will not be bringing in any more polar bears and focus on Southeast Asian species instead.


Serial Molester Jailed Again For Molesting Polytechnic Student

Image: tnp.sg

He was convicted of outrage of modesty back in 2006 and 2015. He was jailed 9 months and given 1 stroke of the cane in 2015.

Yet, he’s still doing it.

On 25 Apr, The New Paper reported that Phui Jun Ming was sentenced to 10 months and two weeks jail on Monday.

His latest victim was a polytechnic student whom he saw smoking on 2 Jan 2018. On the pretext of borrowing a lighter, he started chatting with her.

He asked if he could be her boyfriend but was rejected. Following which, he placed an arm around her shoulders.

When she said she was going home, he squeezed her right breast. The frightened girl left quickly, but he went after her and told her he was wrong to grab her “right boob”. He asked if she would lodge a police report against him.

She did.

He was also convicted of stealing four pairs of shoes at Block 520 Jelapang Road in August 2017.

Yio Chu Kang Lorry Driver Charged With Dangerous Driving Causing Death

Image: channelnewsasia.com

In case you’re unaware, a horrific traffic accident took place in Singapore just a couple of days ago.

Three innocent pedestrians who were walking along the sidewalk were mowed down by a lorry near Yio Chu Kang MRT station.

They weren’t even jaywalking.

You can read about the full issue here.

On 24 Apr, the 25-year-old driver, Xu Kai Xiang, was charged with dangerous driving causing death.

The three pedestrians are Ms Gina Chua, 58, Mr Chua Cheng Thong, 86, and Mr Yap Soon Huat, 63. Ms Gina Chua and Mr Chua Cheng Thong are father and daughter, while Mr Yap is a close family friend.

If convicted, he could be jailed for up to 5 years.

Xu Kai Xiang told his father that he experienced blurry eyes right before the accident happened.

After Two Major Accidents, S’poreans Calling For Discretionary Right Turns To Be Removed

In the past week, two major accidents happened at traffic junctions resulting in the deaths of two young girls.

One is a 19-year-old undergrad of the National University of Singapore (NUS) while the other is a 23-year-old grad from the same school.

Image: mothership.sg

A petition was put up asking authorities to remove ‘discretionary right turns’ at traffic junctions.

13,000 people signed the petition in three days.

What is a discretionary right turn?

Image: onemotoring.com.sg

Basically, drivers are allowed to use their own judgement and decide if it’s safe to turn right even when the light is green at traffic junctions.

The petition asked LTA to review whether drivers should still be allowed to make discretionary right turns despite the growth in size of the traffic junctions.

Mixed Reactions to the petition

Transport experts have said that it all boils down to Singaporean drivers’ behaviour.

“We also have to look at the ‘kiasu’ (competitive) behaviour of drivers, and their attitude towards safety has to change,” said Dr Park Byung Joon from the Singapore University of Social Sciences.

By disallowing discretionary right turns, it might cause traffic congestions on the road.

However, there are some who are in favour of the move.

Mr Richard Yap said that there are instances where the driver’s view could be blocked by large vehicles in the opposite direction who are waiting to turn right.

The petition can be found here.

What do you think?

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