S’porean Family Reportedly Got Into Fight in Hong Kong Over Smoking Incident

Singaporean Family Caught in a Street Brawl in Hong Kong Over Smoking Dispute

Words can sometimes trigger unexpected events, just like what happened at the Hougang Coffeeshop earlier in the year.

A Singaporean family, consisting of three members, found themselves unwittingly embroiled in a street brawl during their vacation in Hong Kong.

This altercation reportedly stemmed from a seemingly innocuous comment about smoking.

The Incident Unfolds

As reported by HK01, the incident took place around 10:25 PM on 10 Dec.

The family was enjoying their meal at a food stall located on Woosung Street when they encountered an issue with a neighbouring diner, identified as Liu, who was smoking.

This act did not sit well with the Singaporean family.

It remains unclear whether it was the father who commented on the smoking.

However, as the family left the stall and waited for a taxi, Liu unexpectedly attacked the father from behind with a bottle and then swiftly fled the scene.

The Pursuit and Confrontation

Refusing to let the assailant escape, the family gave chase, eventually catching up with Liu at the intersection of Woosung Street and Pak Hoi Street.

A scuffle ensued, leading to the father subduing Liu on the ground.

Image: HK01

Misinterpretation by Onlookers

To the casual observer, the scene presented the father as the aggressor and Liu as the victim.

This perspective was likely influenced by the sight of the father pinning Liu down, assisted by his wife and son.

When questioned by passers-by, the father attempted to explain in English that Liu had tried to flee, though it’s uncertain how effectively his message was conveyed.

At the same time, the father, injured from Liu’s surprise attack, was near his wife, who was holding a blood-stained tissue, presumably to tend to his injuries.

Image: HK01

The Situation Escalates

The scenario became more complex when a woman, claiming to be Liu’s wife, intervened, attempting to pull the father off her husband.

Insisting on rescuing her husband, she accused the Singaporean family of attacking him, which caused nearby onlookers to misunderstand the situation.

Image: HK01

This intervention was followed by two other men, who, misled by the scene, believed the Singaporean family to be the attackers and tried to free Liu.

During the street altercation, Liu’s wife grappled with the Singaporean mother, while the 17-year-old son held onto one of the intervening men’s legs.

Image: HK01

Police Intervention

The commotion eventually led to the involvement of the police. Officers arrived at the scene equipped with batons and shields to manage the situation.

The father, maintaining a headlock on Liu, brought him to the police, while Liu’s wife continued her attempts to liberate her husband.

The Singaporean father then released Liu and cooperated with the police.

Revelation of the Truth

The police investigation revealed the initial confrontation at the food stall and the reasons behind the Singaporean family’s actions.

Regrettably, this information had not been successfully communicated to the bystanders or even Liu’s wife during the initial brawl.

In the turmoil, all four individuals involved sustained injuries.

They were subsequently arrested and taken to Kwong Wah Hospital for medical treatment.

The case has been classified as “Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm (AOABH)”, which is a legislated crime of aggravated assault.

The case is currently under investigation by the Yau Tsim Criminal Investigation Team.